can I have a set of the biggest that will fit on my disco, delivered, on alloy rims, for that pleeeese?

We shall need proof of identity, please send your council rentbook in along with a photo of you on holiday with union jack shorts and 2nd degree burns where you were so hard you didnt need sun lotion.
As above :bolt:

When you think about it the tyres are the last thing you should budget on. I worked in a breakers and was shocked on how many people wanted re moulds.

On many occasions i asked 'Do you have a family with kids etc' they said yes. Outside they would have spotlights on their cars or some huge speakers in the boot. I said buy new ones it's really not worth the risk with moulds.

Many you never saw again, some bought new and some just ignored my advice.

I know it's not fully off road but even intermediates are worth a good decent pair.It's your only connection to the road.....Think about it!:doh:

Forget your Lift or Spots get a good set of tyres first.

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