
Active Member
Before we start id like to say ive had several cars on LPG and over the last 12 years covered more than 500k on the cheap stuff, so its not a for or against question its a question on what is best and the worst.
Most would vote for prins , I think BRC would be best (BRC uk has gone t*ts up recently) but the technology from other manufacturers has come on leaps and bounds and wondered if anyone has had a recent fit and pleased with it or hate it. Im not going for a one day cheap install and will run the car for a couple of thousand miles to check alls ok with it before the spagetti gets plonked on the top.
Have a P38 also on gas which has done 110k on gas( will go on the for sale section soon), but its time to move on to a machine the wife doesnt mind me working on. The L322 has only done 78k miles so its a prime candidate for gas.
I am considering Emer / BRC Any others ?
I have an OMVL Dream XXIn system which I have used for years, it's been on a lot of cars now probably done about 500K + with it. My D2 has the Zavoli rebadged version of the same system (I believe it's rebadged AEB) which has not given any trouble, although 2 years ago I did replace all the seals and gaskets in the injectors and vaporizer, although TBH it did not need doing
In general id give injectors no more than 60k miles before replacing them. Did this recently on the p38 and runs a lot better
(From memory my L322 was Zavoli. and I also believe you can have any old shjte as long as you have the ******** injectors, no it's not the e-swear box in action, it's because I can't remember the injector brand. :( Romano?

Great on a run, Did Aurthur's Seat to Culloden on just 23 groats, .. .. .. .. which was nice.:)
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Im running a STAG AC and it runs great.. £1250 with life time warranty if you keep up the £50 service each year......
I misread this thread as the best MPG for a 4.4 M62, I was thinking everyone knows the correct units for a non LPG 4.4 is GPM ..
Is it just a myth that LPG runs hotter as I see a lot of spares or repairs 4.4s with the timing chain guides broken up and mine were fine at 120K but mine has never had LPG fitted.
It's TPW (tankfuls per week) if your burning the real MaCoy:D
Lpg is so good for large engines where the lower power is hardly an issue.
Mine was sublimely efficient until that devilish V8 sensed I was up for a drag, and not the sort that you and Tomcat are familiar with:D

I don't count the pennies but it felt like mid 30s mpg, more on a sedate run.

As for running hotter, well, on a winters day I would start and idle for perhaps 1 min, drive to the end of the road (80 yards) and the heater would blow warm loveliness and the needle would be on c. 75deg, 60 seconds later it was in the middle!

Did it take it's toll on the guides, maybe....it's been SORNED for 15 months:(

Glad I got a good price when I did. Would I buy it back, yes, but I'm unclear how much a song goes for these days.:p
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