
New Member
Hi Guys,

I am almost scared to ask this, but has anyone got any suggestions what should go in the third hole on my diesel lift pump.

I am half way through a 200tdi conversion and am connecting the fuel lines. The lift pump has two ports on the top of the pump and one on the side. The side on has an arrow pointing into the pump so I am assuming that the line from the tank goes in here. One of the top ones then feeds a line to the filter.

What the heck goes in the other one?

Careful with your answer boys, I am easily shocked!!!
Sounds a bit odd. Have you got a picture of it. My pump only has two ports, an in and an out - both on top.

There you go people!! 08.53.16.jpg
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Treaded bung it is, that makes most sense. I think the bleed screw is on the filter housing. The picture below is of my engine at the moment. I have dropped the 200tdi into my 90 after the 19J died. As a 50 year old, female, novice mechanic, I am on a very steep learning curve. But hey if you can follow a recipe, you can follow a workshop manual!!! 09.00.49.jpg

just ensure your pipe already screwed in isnt in a blind hole first,seem to be doing allright :)
good for you,plus youll know it inside out by the time youve finished:)

Exactly, I had no idea how my engine worked before I started, not a clue what a lift pump, intercooler or banjo bolt was. Now I do, feeling quite proud of myself. I have done almost everything myself, including removing the old engine on the crane, cleaning, painting, under sealing the chassis. Like I say the learning curve is quite steep. I did have some muscle, to help me line up the new engine, so can't claim to be totally solo!!!
Nice one Tilly. I was clueless as well but I managed fine. It looks like your doing a fine job. My conversion thread is on here somewhere.
Im impressed!

I like how clean that engine is!!!!

I don't think i have the patience to sit and clean mine and then spray it.. lol

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