elameed elaneed

Active Member
hey every one , almost member they know my problem happen for my freelander 1 (valve bending)
i made overhaul to my engine , after that mechanic told me there is no pressure in engine he will check the problem soon
now my quotation is, what is mean no pressure in engine?
( ring piston new)
change your mechanic.If no pressure at check ,head gasket is of and water to oil.,also your radiator should collect all your pistons pressure.Boobles comes every start
hey every one , almost member they know my problem happen for my freelander 1 (valve bending)
i made overhaul to my engine , after that mechanic told me there is no pressure in engine he will check the problem soon
now my quotation is, what is mean no pressure in engine?
( ring piston new)

Sounds like there's no compression. Your mechanic hasn't timed the cams correctly, again. You really need to find someone who can time a KV6 from scratch.
That's after you've replaced the bent valves, again.
Agreed, you have had problem after problem using this mechanic - you should change to another 1, or get a bicycle!
Sounds like there's no compression. Your mechanic hasn't timed the cams correctly, again. You really need to find someone who can time a KV6 from scratch.
That's after you've replaced the bent valves, again.
now i already give my car to professional mechanic in land rover only. and he told me about pressure i waiting his replay but i need to know reason before him
seems a good price , seen quite a few on eBay

think the engine has to come out the bottom , imagine that would make it a lot harder instead of being lifted out

Not necessarily Gary.

I have a KV6 here that is in storage, waiting for a project that I hope to get running, one day.
Not necessarily Gary.
View attachment 107328
I have a KV6 here that is in storage, waiting for a project that I hope to get running, one day.

that's it prove me wrong :p:D

I did wonder if they came out from the top , must be a lot easier, seeing u can get a hoist on it ,

that looks fun , is the project list going to be done tomorrow , lol
that's it prove me wrong :p:D

I did wonder if they came out from the top , must be a lot easier, seeing u can get a hoist on it ,

that looks fun , is the project list going to be done tomorrow , lol
It's not an easy job to change the V6 engine, out of the top or the bottom. Out of the top requires the engine to be tiled to a 45° angle, or it doesn't if in the space between the slam panel and bulkhead.
It's not an easy job to change the V6 engine, out of the top or the bottom. Out of the top requires the engine to be tiled to a 45° angle, or it doesn't if in the space between the slam panel and bulkhead.
Pah ! - :p nothing a 'gas axe' and 4 foot pry bar couldn't fix. :rolleyes:
Tack the front end back on afterwards or use a few pop rivets and araldite., a lick of paint from a spray tin - Robert's your Mother's Sister's Husband.............;)
my mechanic told me I must change exhaust manifold ( front & rear ) because it closed from inside
it is happened in car or mechanic joking with me?

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