
New Member
Hey there,

Just a quick intro, I'm simon and I'm just about to do a paper on Land Rover and what it is that sets you enthusiasts apart from other car owners.

Can you, in as little or many words as you can muster, tell me what it is about owning a Land Rover, driving a Land Rover and being in a community such as this that makes it so enjoyable.

Do you like seeing other peoples pictures, videos? Hearing stories about travels? Please let me know as much as you can. I promise that this research will go to very good use :)

Thank you for taking the time out in reading this and I hope you can help in some way!


Because they always break down and go wrong which makes people come here looking for help.

Not all of them are friendly though. The other day some geezer in a 90 tried to ram me off the road and I'm not joking!
Because they always break down and go wrong which makes people come here looking for help.

Not all of them are friendly though. The other day some geezer in a 90 tried to ram me off the road and I'm not joking!

thas cos gaylanders dont count theyre not real land rovers :p;)
Well they go anywere in all weather and for a box look prety good,easy to work on,spares are cheap ish,the odd ding just adds to them,loads of add ons.
Nothing like scraping the ice of the screen in the morning, oh thats inside by the way, and when it rains you get a nice refreshing cold shower even if you did'nt want one.

What more could you want.
For me it's knowing that there are so many annoyances about owning one (mine anyway) but I still can't imagine driving anything else. I think maybe I should get something cheaper to run etc but when I look at other cars they just lack character in comparison.
well for me its knowing that if i have a crash on the road, the silly little euro box in front will be in bits all over the road, an i will just drive on so long as am not on my roof that is :p:D
The ability to help oneself and others.
If you take care of it - reliability.
They make excellent hobby vehicles for diy mechanics.
Towing my boat up and down stoney beaches.
Blingability (not for me tho'.)

Before you write your paper on the subject, buy or hire one, then you will understand instead of plagiarising our opinions.
Have a watch of this. Just about sums it up. Hammond has a 110.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - The greatest car of all times !!![/nomedia]
They're the most horrible thing to ever own as a vehicle.

There's usually a length of time of about four and a half minutes between the time you become the proud owner of one, and the time you have to take a spanner to it.

Then, once you start tinkering with them, it never stops for the next fifty years...

That's how you become entrapped. After fifty years, you get so used to the thing that you don't see any compelling reason to let go. Plus, cars that just go "Vrooom" any time you turn the key are so boring in comparison...
Dont think you can. Says everything about the Dear Old Landy, as a motor.

But here is my bit.

Its become like a pair of old slippers to most of us, it got memorys for every one of us that has ever owned one, the good fun ones outway the bad ones of when she has a hissy fit and breaks on us, then she needs a gentle hand to bring the life back to a trust worthy friend that we can rely one to get us through the snow, mud, water.

The landy has helped not just a few like mountain rescuce or the emergency services deliver people to safety, It regualy helps many people out in dire times though organisations like Rover Rescue or the 4x4 Responce organisations, local Landys helping local people when the conditions get past the point of any other car getting about.

Landys bring a smile to peoples faces and admazment when people see just what these cars can do, when you take them out for a ride off road, my freinds always want to do it more, kids love to see a realy dirty one, they breed the sence of adventure.

The Landrover Green Oval is one that people world wide know, and will link with a historic car that does and will go anywere, people know what your've got as soon as you say landrover......

Its not just the Landy its also the people, most of the enthuisats of a Landy (not the people that just have a symbol of power and use it as a statment) are great people, ready to help people out, give advice, and with a smile, it must be the fun we have.

Its a Car that has gone through generations, how many other cars is in such a large quanity can a great grandfather work on with his great grandson, all over the world. How many times do you see a car that has been owned by so many freinds and still going.

Get in touch with your local club ask to go along for a rew rides, chat to the guys and girls......

One life live it with a Landy.
As long as they are working, they can do things that 'normal' cars can't. Here's an example of something thats more than a 'normal' car can do. I had a Renault Kangoo sitting in the corner of my driveway for four years (yes the wife really was thrilled, not), donating spares to another one. Time comes to get rid of it. It has four flat tyres, four seized hubs, wheels that have sunk two to three inches into the ground and there is a rotting tree stump in the way because I can no longer drive around it.

How do you get it out? Push it? Don't be daft! Inflate the tyres, try to free off the hubs etc? Don't be daft!

Enter a Land Rover. A discovery, a heavy duty tow rope, five minutes of grunt and you have a van sitting on the road waiting to be taken away, some huge grooves on your once lovely gravel driveway (more to please the wife) and the involuntary removal of a tree stump!

You can't do that in a 'normal' car. A Renault and Nature Vs a Land Rover, no contest.
Truth is we all bought the bloody things in error and spend all our time and money deperately trying to get fookers together enough to vain :p

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