On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 20:26:43 +0100, Mr.Nice.
<mr.nice@-nospam-clara.co.uk> wrote:

>what would be the effect of my plumbing my heater blower into my air
>filter so it blows air into the engine?
>just a thought...
>Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)

I haven't done the calculations, but I would imagine that the amount
of air your engine needs to suck in (2.5 litres 4000 times per minute)
would be well above what your heater could supply. So it would simply
act as an obstruction to the air flow.

Now if you can get it to spin at 30000 rpm (or whatever it is) like a
proper turbo....

.... it still won't work....



Tim Hobbs

'58 Series 2 88" aka "Stig"
'67 Series 2a 109" aka "Ernie (FOR SALE)
'77 101FC Ambulance aka "Burrt"
'95 Discovery V8i aka "The Disco" (FOR SALE)
03 Volvo V70

My Landies? http://www.seriesii.co.uk
Barcoding? http://www.bartec-systems.com
Tony Luckwill web archive at http://www.luckwill.com
Tim Hobbs wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 20:26:43 +0100, Mr.Nice.
> <mr.nice@-nospam-clara.co.uk> wrote:
>>what would be the effect of my plumbing my heater blower into my air
>>filter so it blows air into the engine?
>>just a thought...
>>Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)

> I haven't done the calculations, but I would imagine that the amount
> of air your engine needs to suck in (2.5 litres 4000 times per minute)
> would be well above what your heater could supply. So it would simply
> act as an obstruction to the air flow.
> Now if you can get it to spin at 30000 rpm (or whatever it is) like a
> proper turbo....
> ... it still won't work....

Not really a turbo. More a super. Google for Amherst Villiers Blower for
more ideas that are too dangerous to consider....

In news:fVmEc.60$wH5.51@newsfe3-win.server.ntli.net,
Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> expelled:
> Just a thought would NoS work on a diesel ( Nitrous Oxide ), works in
> a petrol engine but the diesel cycle is different is it not ????

Only if you could get a whole load more fuel in at the same time - and with
the high compression of a diesel you'd probably blow little bits of engine
block all over the countryside.

change two to number to reply

On or around Tue, 29 Jun 2004 20:26:43 +0100, Mr.Nice.
<mr.nice@-nospam-clara.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>what would be the effect of my plumbing my heater blower into my air
>filter so it blows air into the engine?

assuming you're not talking about blowing warm air in, which would reduce
efficiency as has been said...


I once worked out how much air is flowing through a 2-litre engine doing
2000 rpm (the figures are chosen to make the sums easy) in terms of litres
per minute, and then consider that blowers are normally rated in cfm, and
there are 27 litres to a cf, and that to increase the power from the engine,
you need to get more mass of oxygen into it - in terms of blowing air in,
this means that you have to blow air in faster than it's arriving naturally;
I daresay calculating just how much air is a more difficult proposition.

I leave the numerical solution as an exercise for the reader :)

but in fact, all the heater blower will do is create an obstruction in the
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"It is a characteristic of the human mind to hate the man one has injured"
Tacitus (c.55 - c.117) Agricola, 45

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