Kevin Winter

New Member
In a few short weeks of ownership I've learned:

- It leaks. It can't be stopped!
- Driving through a ford with the drivers window open is NOT a good idea - especially with people watching!
- There's always something to fiddle with or fix on a weekend!
- If it looks a bit rusty - then it's probably very rusty
- It's a bit noisy
- It's fun to wave at other Defender drivers

Anyone else got similar little lesson?
If ya roll ya landy. The camera's will appear faster than the recovery gear.
Owning a Defender is a bit like a religious conversion. I have learned patience (with the never ending repairs), calmness (when whatever I start repairing turns into 3 other problems), generosity (to John Craddock) and realized I have taken a vow of poverty and possibly celibacy! :eek: :p
if yer get stuck wi water haqlfway up yer windscreen and dont have a snorkel dont try and start ter ingun
the bigger the breaker bar the more chane of succsess
electrical fire happen so carry spares
yer bull bars are easy rippep off in reverse
yer dont have to be able to weld but yer need a mate that can
headlinings dont stop condensation they hide it
yer can fit on out as a one person camper complete with bed
they are superior to discos in all but heating set up
a real wood fire in the back aint aq guid idea but yer can fit a logg butner but its not as safe as in 110
plus the odd other lesson or two
if your defender breaks down hit it with a big hammer,if that doesnt fix it you know its definatly an electrical fault
don't buy oil's by the liter buy it in five gallon drums.
and buy plenty of ear plugs so you cant hear the wife moaning about the oil slick on the drive way
buy plenty of ear plugs so you cant hear the wife moaning

Edited to remove unnecessary text :D

When I was looking for a defender I happened to have the page open on a 06 90 that was mint in silver with alloys and all the toys

She said what are you looking at that ugly thing for

when I came home with this she was speechless :rolleyes:

Don't buy a project.... go for what you want now. If not, 6 months down the line and likely over a £1000 spent you will be close. You will have lost 6 months of your life and your not likely to get all your money back.

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