I have used mine to deliver food and water to me pheasants (whilst cringeing at the new clunking coming from underneath whenever I let the clutch out).
been up the woods with me chainsaw and carted 2x 110 full of wood home

who needs CH when you've gorra wood burner
not yet ratty mate, guy that's doing it has ordered the leads as he can get em cheap, he has a RR to do before me so just waiting on him to give me a shout, hoping it will be this week, but as he is a helicopter engineer he could get called away any time.....
Driven it to work... driven it home from work for lunch... about to drive it back to work... will most likely drive it home from work a bit later.
Later, I'll be driving mine up to Camelford to meet up wiv the Munkeeee fer a drink (and to deliver HB's shockers).
Later, I'll be driving mine up to Camelford to meet up wiv the Munkeeee fer a drink (and to deliver HB's shockers).

I fink that by letting us know you are gonna deliberately go see the munkeee you just delivered US a shocker.:p :p :p
Nothing to mine, apart from drive it to work, really needs a pressure wash though, to try to get some mud and grit out from wheels and brake area,and underneath although its not as bad as it has been as last time I went offroad was not on sandstone like before which wears away brakes etc if you don't give it a wash.
cleaned mine out before it goes for the dreaded mot on monday..oh and will be pulling the panhard rod back orf to check the noo bushs i fitted yesterday as they look to have a lot of play in them :eek:

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