Drivers side door hinge was a little worn with some wiggle on the difficult could it be to replace all the hinges??? In fact, why not replace them all while I'm at it! Hinges bought from LRS in Derbyshire - many thanks!!
Result...One door hung...others can wait until they are literally dropping of their hinges!!!!!
So...started well, door removed with ease - feeling happy. New captive nuts fitted in bulkhead, nice high quality stainless steel Allen bolts re-used, began to tighten...bit stiff....very stiff...try the other one....same problem - hmmmmmm, check threads for compatibility - Incompatible...UNABLE TO REMOVE SHINY STAINLESS BOLTS....Captive nuts no longer captive!!! TANTRUM....A FEW TEARS...CONTEMPLATED PULLING DOOR OFF...Considered legality of no door...DIDN'T CARE...couldn't find custom made tungsten carbide drill bit..12 OTHER DRILL PIECES AND 1.5 HOURS TO DRILL OUT ONE BOLT...Slight momentary feeling of exhileration...ONE MORE TO DO...NO MORE DRILL BITS...UNABLE TO DRIVE TO THE SHOP...Special drill bit small case next to others...mixture of joy and rage!!!...second bolt drilled out in less than two mins....CELEBRATORY CUP OF TEA IN LANDY MUG...Captive nuts replaced, correct bolts used...smooth, easy work...DOOR CLOSES BEAUTIFULLY EXCEPT FOR A 1.5CM OPENING AT TRAILING EDGE...Sat on floor in rain...Considered if this would bother me.....Concluded yes...Hinges adjusted multiple times, inserts still the same...More rain...Decided to adjust striker further less but still considerable...Decided to drill out holes in the pouring rain...Considered safety of using drill in the rain while standing in a puddle...DIDN'T CARE...striker moved even further back - door now perfectly lined up and closes beautifully!!
NEVER AGAIN!! fix wipers and main/full beam!!
Ahhhh, feel better after a rant...!!!!