Hurray! Looks like my oil leak is cured.....well the big one anyway :D

Was ever so slightly disappointed when the handbrake link snapped after connecting everything back up and rather than strip it again :frusty: I just about managed to weld the bugger back up in place.

Rear diff input seal next :rolleyes:
Oh the joys of owning a Series Landy.
went tarataging in the old 90 today , bloody glad i got my rollcage sorted (well enough to save "most" of me roof :D)
sorry no picys had me hands full all day :D
Ripped the steering column shroud apart to stop an annoying electrical fault.
It actually works now... Though the gaffer tape looks pants....:fighting::fighting:
Spent 2 hours trying to use a spanner to loosen the 2 bolts off that hold the towball plate on, with no joy. Ended up having to take the grinder to them. Got them off and fitted a "Dave Cooper Bike Rack" to the back(The bike rack came with 2 bolts that were in the bottom of the box.DOH! 2 hours trying to save bolts i didn't need).Ended up giving the cross member and towball bracket bits a paint with some Hammerite while the towball was off.Re-fitted the towball and that's me sorted.
I'm going to put my new GasGas on the back and drive to new places.:clap2:
Famous last words with a Landie, n'est pas, BB? ;) I'd be more worried if it WASN'T leaking oil...

Bear in mind that LR can even make a BMW engine leak oil... simply by putting it in a P38!....

By 'cured' I mean that when parked on a slope it no longer runs out from underneath
I've removed a very rusty front bumper and fixed all the rust.. threw valence in the bin and cut down end caps....

Painted then bolted number plate to bumper..... new steering guard on order...:)
Gave some local 'Corsa' boys something to think about at the 'Traffic Light Grand Prix'. :)

Can't beat a V8.

PS £60.00 lighter due to the above :eek:
Vainly tried to fix the indicator trailer tell-tale .. feckin' piece o' ****e it is ..
It used to work though .. stopped a few weeks back .. all me trailers and caravan work when tested, but none do when underway ..

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