Finally fitted that heavy duty rear bumper on to my disco after the previous owner had totally screwed up the rear mounts fitting a crap homemade bumper.
I took it out to play in the snow over Houndkirk Moor, in normal conditions a pleasant but easy route, today in up to 5' snow-drifts a totally different playground.
For the last couple of days ive been doing A pick up conversion to my SWB frontera

Just got this from a different forum

Took mine ploughing at 5:30am this mornin on the way to work and came across a Delicia and a Discovery stuck in the drifts over Stannage, the Delicia driver was very thankful of the offer of a tow but the Disco driver said "no your alright, its a Discovery, its more than capable, i just need a run up", so i pulled the mitsy clear and we sat and watched the green oval on road tyres attempt a snow drift, oooo about 4-5ft deep, and promptly get STUCK!
Again the offer of help was turned down, but this time with the reply "I have made it this far without your help!", after this abrupt reply, all i could do was drop mine in low box and drive around him!
I left work at 12 and, yep, the Disco was still there, without its stuck up c*$k of a driver.
The snow hasnt stopped all day here and we ventured upto Fox House for lunch and watched the RAF helicopter lifting people off of MAM TOR .
All in all a good day, now im guna get warm and

I'm still laughing :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:mooning::hysterically_laughi:crazy_driver::crazy_driver::crazy_driver:

At least I know that part of the Landy won't rust because I used good steel from a Vauxhall frontera

My mate a Fabricator by trade worked on the line at Vauxhall and later IBC The bonnet on a Frontera warps unless painted straight after fitment the steel was so poor!
For whats its worth I wouldn't own a Frontera because:

Its about as gay as you can get especially with a removable top,

It has poor ground clearance,

GibboPhil had one and it was Errrrm rubbish, he did better attached to the rear of a landy

Limited tyre size due to design,

Did I mention it looks gay?

They are worthless, My left front caliper piston costs more then the average **** heap of a Frontera,

Did I mention that they are Vauxhall and one of the poorest models they ever made!!

On the plus side: Parts are readily available from the scrappers as most have rusted away been crashed by hairdressers or fallen apart and sold as scrap because thats all their good for. That and driving over in a real 4x4!
Nothing to my Landy it hasn't broken, rusted away or given me grief in anyway. However I did buy this:

In anticipation that I come across a poor gay frontera on cheap poor little copies of mud terrains getting stuck in the snow!:D
On the plus side: Parts are readily available from the scrappers as most have rusted away

I have never had to do any welding on a frontera it is my 3rd one and its 20 year old and it hasn't got any rust anywhere on it.
Unlike my discovery that is 18 years old and has had four inner wheel arches ,two new sills , one boot floor and two new front floor pans

Limited tyre size due to design,

That is where you are wrong I have more Choice of tries for the frontera
And more choice of rims ( frontera , shogun l200 )
I have never had to do any welding on a frontera it is my 3rd one and its 20 year old and it hasn't got any rust anywhere on it.
Unlike my discovery that is 18 years old and has had four inner wheel arches ,two new sills , one boot floor and two new front floor pans

That is where you are wrong I have more Choice of tries for the frontera
And more choice of rims ( frontera , shogun l200 )

BUT you've only had ONE LR Discovery and you have thrown away 2 Frontera's LOL
Sorry your right theyre amazing thats why we tow them out every weekend. Us landy folk have it all wrong we should all go buy a ****box Vauxhall
Sorry I should know more than anyone I had a ****box attached to the rear of my 90 a Whole day because this amazing **** box died on the first lane dispite it being "better than all your landys" and "it has 2000W lamps" pitty it died in a puddle at salisbury plain and failed to restart at all. I ended up, the fool I am, towing it around all day on a straight bar until I managed to dump it at camp. So I stand by the comment they all suck not one has impressed me ever.

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