Made a set at turning my new swb frontera into a pick up. Only bought it on Saturday
First off I started by ripping out the rear seats , carpet and the side panels.
Items used part of an old metal bed frame to make a frame welded it in place then of course part of a frontera roof to box in two sections at the top.



My two toys
Pumped up the mandatory flat tyre not all the way as I only have a foot pump at my mums. Put some liquid platinum also known as petrol in it then I turned ignition on all so far so good then turned the key and......... battery gave up so now I need to find a compressor AND find a way to jump it all my tools at my ex's house till friday :-(
drilled the smeg out of my door locks so i can actually use them.......


Fitted new ones obviously :lol:

changed the crappy screws that came with the snorkel, they didnt look bad when i put them on a month ago, but they rusted up in 3 weeks, nice new shiny stainless one on there now.
noticed today the bolts that came with it are stainless, but the nuts aint :confused: get some of them next
just fitted the power cable and kill switch for the rear anderson plug on the 110 just have to pop over my mates tomorrow and use his hydrolic crimper to fit the plug tomorrow.
a mate i play darts with gave me the power cable off his hi-lux as he does'nt use it as he sold his tipper trailer, going to do away with the battery on our trailer as you can bet when you need to tip it pronto the bastid will be flat :mad: also got enough anderson connectors to make a good set of jumper cables gets a bit tiresome taking out the passenger seat swab in the rain to jump start a car or the works van :doh:
greased me props and rewired cdplayer and handsfree kit via AUX battery/fusebox. so now only elctrics running off main battery are the main factory fitted items.. horn wipers lights etc.
Replaced a blown sidelight bulb -

and while I had my hand stuck down the back of the headlights -

changed the headlight bulbs for some decent Osram Nightbreakers ...

had to get it done today - didn't fancy doing it tomorrow in the wind and rain :rolleyes:

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