Started the process of stripping out the rear tub (110 csw) in order to seriously investigate chassis - so first stage , off with the roof. Searched around... and couldn't find a thread about removing the 110 roof... other than "it is bloody heavy!". All the searches came up with : remove roof and..... .
So... it seems you just unbolt it all round... and lift off. Is it really that simple? Nothing I do is ever that simple. OK.. so have unbolted it, and only struggled with two bollts! unheard of!!!! (its a 1984 afterall.... everything is seized!) :eek:
Now... before I go an accost a poor passing neighbour to give me a hand off with it... anything I don't know about? Any reason it shouldn't just lift off?
Got the hammerite out today, roughly sanded down some patches of rust in the cab and painted over them. Painted drivers footwell as that had a few bits of rust coming up... passenger footwell will be replaced when I have some monies for the panel and time to learn how to weld! :) For the time being a bit of plastic covered cardboard shall cover the hole and keep my passengers feet dry... (sort of... gaps under the doors don't help either!)

Other then that, checked the levels under the bonnet, had a quick look at the chassis... gonna paint that soon when I have some coins :) Noticed little damp oil patch around the end of the rear prop shaft... looks like the oil seal is on its way out :( Dam!
Finally finished the insulation. Started the build in the back. Unfortunately I now have work for the rest of the week, what an inconvenience.
Replaced the split-charge relay and the winch battery.
Went to re-spool the winch cable, only to get nowt but sparks and smoke.
Stood on the roof and bonnet to watch the Olympic torch go past. Gang of school kids had to be chased off, little boogers were crawling all over it without a by your leave .. ;)

Inspired by seeing Ben Parkinson though, a real Hero ... nearly cried .. :cool:



How much of a difference in height do you reckon? Mine must have been lifted at least and inch

I've gained quite a bit :p just posted some pics, I think I've gained about 2 or 3 inches from the old saggy ones!

I know the lift its self was a 1.3" one so 2 and a bit most likely, drives a lot nicer though and doesn't wallow :D
Today (well yesterday actually) i had a go at repairing my window ECU, typical rear window failure...... and by being too heavy handed managed to bugger up the pcb to the point that none of the windows work !:(
Hopefully i've got a replacement on the way..... will be a bit more gentle next time.
Drove it on tarmac. Getting at least an extra 50 km out of a full tank since I've had the fuel injectors sorted.

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