Drove to Norwich hospital and got hailed by a taxi driver telling me my brake lights are out :scratching_chin: Drove the rest of the way there and back flicking side lights on and off when I braked.
Home - sorted. 5 amp fuse was to blame!!! Changed to 10 and hey voila!!
Being a landie I still don't altogether trust it is sorted :D
Drove to Norwich hospital and got hailed by a taxi driver telling me my brake lights are out :scratching_chin: Drove the rest of the way there and back flicking side lights on and off when I braked.
Home - sorted. 5 amp fuse was to blame!!! Changed to 10 and hey voila!!
Being a landie I still don't altogether trust it is sorted :D

Never change a 5a fuse for a 10, unless yu want a fire :(.
Used it to pick up a One Ten 2.3 Peugeot diesel that was given to us by a friend, Chuffed to bit's going to MOT it and use it as a runabout :D
Went to Creach st Micheal to see what all the fuss was about. One set of wet feet as it poured through the vents. But what a laugh. Didn't clean it though. :D

Yer see i dont have the problem of the vents its more the fact of the hole in the footwell haha!

Thats pretty impressive to have breathers and snorkel. what about wading plugs?

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