Put a new thermostat in..what a difference...right in the middle of the gauge and warmed up after 2 miles! Heater really warm as well..result:)
Also played with my fuel injection pump. took the head off and was full of oil! so cleaned it up..took it apart..moved the diaphram around by 90% and wow what a difference...going uphill in 4th gear and pulling away...feels like I have double the POWER:)

Erm 90% :confused::confused:
fixed my elecy rear windows. and broke the bloody housing for the switches in centre console while in the process. Bugger.
Now hunting ebay for replacement
After doing the EGR I finally got round to putting a new down pipe (no cat) on the Tdi, plus a middle box, plus the tail pipe. The whole system was rotten and about to fall off anyway. Engine runs a lot better now, and less smoke out the back as well. I think the cat was almost completely full of crap.
Washed it:doh: (not done it since last summer) well I was bored, as our leccy supply was off whilst the power co. trimmed a tree that was mating with the pylon behind our house, causing power outages during high winds!
used it to rush the mrs through to hospital after her waters broke.
They are not built for speeding through city traffic at rush hour

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