I've got a good fan yu can have. :D


might give it a try !
I thought the turbo was a bit too loud on boost yesterday so re-tightened the new silicon hoses - much better now with just a very faint whistle just like it was in the Disco :)

Also realised that reverse light wasn't working last night so took a look today expecting it to be the switch (as I'd had to adjust that last year) but no :( Dunno what it is as bulb ok but no power getting to light or the 2 connectors that fit to the switch. Fuse is ok too :confused:
took the series out and went puddle jumping in country lanes until it steamed up so badly I came home

Try drying the windows inside with a shammy and some kitchen roll.
Then put some neat washing up liquid on a cloth and smear it all over the inside of the windows.
Allow to dry and the problem of misted up windows should go away.:cool:
Then put some neat washing up liquid on a cloth and smear it all over the inside of the windows.
Allow to dry and the problem of misted up windows should go away.:cool:

You know I've done that for years on bike helmet visors, never occurred to me that it'd work on car windscreens too! :doh:
Towed a 14' x 6' unbraked twin axle trailer with two sofas in, and get wet loading / unloading them. Its fun driving with someone sat in the middle front seat....
I had someone reverse into my disco a while back not a mark mine but they got a nice towball shaped dent on theres and also had one of the local boyracers bounce the front of his car of my rock slider as he was trying to wheel spin round a corner. I wanted to shout at him for getting paint on mine but was laughing too hard at the state of his front bumper, lights, wing...etc:hysterically_laughi

We now call them "chav sliders"
Ah had a tw@t in a volvo reverse intae me bus in the middle off France somewheres. Ah just had a really nice meal and nipped out fur a smoke and tae check the dog when ah heard a soddin' big bang!! Thought ah'd see what was what and found this muppet tryin' tae get away with it by movin' over a couple of places... unlucky fur him as ah watched what he was doin' and he **** himsel' when ah went tae talk tae him;)
Nae damage to the bus but this is what he did tae the vulva...


Ah had a tw@t in a volvo reverse intae me bus in the middle off France somewheres. Ah just had a really nice meal and nipped out fur a smoke and tae check the dog when ah heard a soddin' big bang!! Thought ah'd see what was what and found this muppet tryin' tae get away with it by movin' over a couple of places... unlucky fur him as ah watched what he was doin' and he **** himsel' when ah went tae talk tae him;)
Nae damage to the bus but this is what he did tae the vulva...



bloody hell buster,most people would **** theirselves if they saw you coming at them.:D:D:D
bloody hell buster,most people would **** theirselves if they saw you coming at them.:D:D:D
HEHEHEHEEEE! He did mate... and ah furgot tae count how many times he said sorry;):D:D:D
Ah think he felt even worse by the fact as he was sat at the next table:D:D:D:D
Today a mate and I replaced the bias plate on my Disco and then we had a go at fixing the broken passenger door lock.

All pretty boring stuff I guess but what I found, or rather didn't find, around my bias plate made me furious.

We'd drilled out the rivets, pulled out the upper seal they held in place and discovered a dinky round rubber seal - all that remained of the lower seal/gaiter that should have been there!

It protected nothing, the bias plate was covered in water and oil and the whole of the area was littered in swarf and drilled out rivets from a previous job.

The gearbox was replaced a few years back by what I thought was a respectable and renowned landrover company. Now it is obvious that they charged me full whack for a refurbished gearbox that they'd simply yanked out of some doner vehicle - and wedged in mine. They'd done such a slapdash job they couldn't be bothered to put a proper seal in and they cost less than a tenner! Not to mention that the one on my old gearbox would surely have been fine.

I suspect that their doner vehicle still has my very nice gaiter and a nice refurbished gearbox too probably

I'll refrain from typing what I've been saying all day but is there a suitable forum for naming and shaming (slagging off) garages for doing a slackaday job?
managed to get a couple of hours in on the the old 90 this morning put stainless bumper and the chequerplate bonnet back on starting to look like a proper landie again :D



then this afternoon popped over and met baggyjim and had his truck cab off him
good to meet you mate and cheers muchly for the cab ;)

by the way if anyone needs a deepender bonnet got 1 going buckshee (its got sound proofing inside it and has spare wheel bracket on it )
will do it special rate for lz member ;)
FFS bucky, that bumper looks ****e.
get a proper one on there!

must say not sure about the A bar but the bumper stays :mad: that is made from 3mm stainless (good for demilishing walls and last time out brand new volvo estates ):D
the A bar asked a guy to weld it on and was not impressed with his work tbh might cut it off and re-design it a tad .

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