Used mine for school run, greenlane in Castor, did some shopping for provisions, took the dog out in her for an off road walk, picked the kids up again, used it to carry the tools/jumpleads/parts to fix the 'er indoors Moggy Minor, haven't done anything to her today but use her and buy her owner this months LRO mag.
Have fun.
here you go..
today, as the never ending welding story is approaching the end, I have grounded down all surface rusted surrounding the area just welded, gave it a coat of kurust gel, and one coat of rich zinc primer...all is left to do is paint it with hammerite.
As I can't find a landrover green, im just going to paint it black.

Went for a ride and bought a 300 tdi engine/gearbox/Transfer box/rad/intercooler/heater and brake servo.

Should keep me busy:D
repainted my black cammo stripes in matt black.Relocated the heater pipes and took a carrier back full of rubbish out of it !
I fitted my new to me ladder to the tail gate...I used this guide diagnostics.rtf to find out that it was my front left abs sensor that was causing the abs light to stay on...I then re-seated it, so hopefully it will be ok....topped up the will insist on coming out of both crankshaft oil seals....found a wood splinter in the side wall of one tyre...that might explain why I have to put 4 to 6 psi of air in every week
painted the floor in the 110 with black hammerite, put some silicone down to stop some water ingress, replaced immobliser so now engine starts, went to B&Q to buy some bolts, glue, ground sheet then left the screw behind so can't join Y-section to centre box till tomorrow lol
Driven slowly and missed all the rocks and not damaged it at all.......unlike all the others moaning and telling me to go faster.

To quote Nathan118118 "Mine's a bag o **** and I don't care if I bugger it up!"....whereas I need to drive to work on Monday :D
had me wheels balanced and drove it to west bay for chippies and to collect me noo wheels & tyres.
i fitted my NEW to me drivers window glass, after bonding the runner on to it, then re-fitted it along with the door top into my disco, just the rear to do tomorrow if i get time, fed up of a wet arse
Not today but Friday i handed the keys to the RAC so they could take Roy home for me after they dropped me off at a car hire place. His suspension went when i was doing 70 down the M1 on Friday night (had just overtaken a lorry which nearly hit us). Got to love EAS! :(
Had an ATF leak in Wickes carpark, Dorking. Tried to get her home only to lose drive about half way home, then waited 2 hrs for the RAC.
yesterday I've gave it another once over with seam sealant in the areas I've recently welded.

Also used aquarium silicone sealant to seal some areas on the inner wing, as I dont have a clue why there's holes or they are not sealed from factory!!!
Only if I could slap whoever designed the discovery!!!!!!! ggrrrrrrr!!!
Fitted a new Klaxon horn

and done it a favour by puttin me 2.8 zoo zoo td engin up for sale on fleabay.


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i crawled underneath it and said 'oooh feck that's a lot of leaky oily ****' and crawled back out again:( need to steal some oil from the farmer i reckons cos mine all seems to be hanging off the transfer box and sump rather than being inside:eek:
i crawled underneath it and said 'oooh feck that's a lot of leaky oily ****' and crawled back out again:( need to steal some oil from the farmer i reckons cos mine all seems to be hanging off the transfer box and sump rather than being inside:eek:

you cannot steal of the poor farmer LB,we is in a reseshun yer know,he might be skint.:D:D:D:rolleyes:

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