Ear Ratty,,
Av yi ever been tae Vincents chippy in Ilminster,, cos they do loverly chippies,, an a home made fish cake thats fookin tae die fir,,,,,, basically aw the scrann fae there is top notch,,, mmmmmmm:) :) :)

I haven't bin there. I'll ave to put it on my things to do list.:D

Do you live in ilminster?
Ear Buster its Rained aw fookin summer doon hear,,,,,,,,, a fink a sowesrter wid be more apropriate,,,;) :D
It were sunny as ferk when ah come back from France the other week... it nearly burnt a hole in ma heid so's it did...... well up untill Penrith that is;) :D
I should have 2 spare seats if you want a lift?
That would be great,,,,, a'll get yir chippies inn,,,, but unfortnunelly French's will no longer be there,,,, as hes sold it,,. But they still got the menu,,,:D :D :D
So a'll take a seat if thats ok,,,,
That would be great,,,,, a'll get yir chippies inn,,,, but unfortnunelly French's will no longer be there,,,, as hes sold it,,. But they still got the menu,,,:D :D :D
So a'll take a seat if thats ok,,,,

Yeah no probs. Do you just want the one? If you have a missus or anyone that you wanna drag along let me know.
Yeah no probs. Do you just want the one? If you have a missus or anyone that you wanna drag along let me know.
Nah someone will av tae look after the barins,,, but when ye said 4 wheels an a driver thats all,,, a fort it wis lanes all the way tae the end,,
Nah someone will av tae look after the barins,,, but when ye said 4 wheels an a driver thats all,,, a fort it wis lanes all the way tae the end,,

It's a lot of lanes but not all lanes. As long as it's 4 wheel drive there's enough winches and recovery gear in the groups to get a standard landy through.
It's a lot of lanes but not all lanes. As long as it's 4 wheel drive there's enough winches and recovery gear in the groups to get a standard landy through.
Hmmmmm,, doris says "wot if ye break it":rolleyes: hmmm then she says *just wait till ye get yer 90 that yiv been savin for,,,,,":rolleyes: so a'll wait,,, but a'll still av a seat if that's ok,, :)
Hmmmmm,, doris says "wot if ye break it":rolleyes: hmmm then she says *just wait till ye get yer 90 that yiv been savin for,,,,,":rolleyes: so a'll wait,,, but a'll still av a seat if that's ok,, :)

Yeah no probs.

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