Refitted swivel, new bearings gaskets lubes throughout front axle! am now wondering about the other side..................
good evening fats.......lent across ta turn me music up, n road suddenly became trent bank.......i should tell council bout that bend in the
good evening fats.......lent across ta turn me music up, n road suddenly became trent bank.......i should tell council bout that bend in the

Thats what ya get for aving short arms and the wrong type of vehicle. :p

If you had a deepender you wouldn't be able to hear the stereo no matter what volume you have it so there would be no need to turn it up.:doh:
Thats what ya get for aving short arms and the wrong type of vehicle. :p

If you had a deepender you wouldn't be able to hear the stereo no matter what volume you have it so there would be no need to turn it up.:doh:
ile just get someone ta sit next ta me at all times, ta light me fags, n turn me music up......:D

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