What sort of hand winches? Anything like Tirfors, or good/heavy enough for off-roading, and if they are, are you selling any?


no there not tirfors there mainly. small winches you have on boat trailers but there is spare parts for all of them n most of them have a swl of 1ton so was gd bargin rearlly get piccies 2moz im inside there in a m8s garage down the road cus we used his trailer 2 pick everything up i wanted a huge 40ton hand winch that probly weighed 2 or 3 ton the sort they used 2 use 2 pull fishing boats up out of the sea n that went 4 £50 fully working including wire rope on it
yesterday -

removed rear hubs and separated discs ready for the new discs and pads to go on Thursday.. removed front left speed sensor ready for the new one as well... right now I am waiting for the requisite 30 minutes or so after removing the battery so I can take the steering wheel off and remove the PAS box... looks like I'm on schedule to get the MOT re-done a week Monday..

has anyone replaced a PAS box and want to comment on the steerig wheel removal cos I'm not mad keen to do it but with no experience in the operation I'm following the destructions in the RAVE CD which state

CAUTION: Before removing any parts of
steering linkage, it is imperative that road
wheels are positioned straight ahead.
Then steering wheel removed to prevent rotary
coupler being wound up or damaged.
oh and anyone ever wondered at the small size of the axle shaft in the rear.. I really expected it to be bigger...

and another thing.. one of my hubs was well oily the other was dry as a bone... obviously sommat wrong with one of them which one???
righto.. today I have ........

taken the drivers airbag off, taken the steering wheel off then


no matter how I try I can't get the drag link and the drop arm separated so it'll have to wait now till I got enough cash to get it to the garage.. I'll order the parts and sort out the brakes and the ABS during my days off next week.... unless anyone has any other wonderful ideas...
first fit of off side inner wing liner - how come it took all day?

now i need to get the blastid fittings and fit some captive nuts at the front under the noo battery tray - coz as it aint got any holes, I cant get beneath it :rolleyes:.
...well that beats through paint all over it....yourself ....garage....tools etc lol :) and at least u started to get back to gettin it back on the road again yippee xxx
took the big blue sheet off first time since xmas yipee !!!!!! fitted steering box pump and pipework offered up rad and now working out hoses etc ordered parts from craddocks
fitted new front body mount bushes

but think i've broke it coz it don't rattle any more:eek:

i thought all land rovers rattled:rolleyes:
washed doon my 90 after a torx screw came loose lettin the o-ring pop oot from behind the weee plate on the side of the injector pump lettin it spray oot aboot half a tank of deesil all underneath un up the back
washed doon my 90 after a torx screw came loose lettin the o-ring pop oot from behind the weee plate on the side of the injector pump lettin it spray oot aboot half a tank of deesil all underneath un up the back
No need to waxoil then now eh:D
Let's see
Checked levels
Finished making cubby box
Drove to market to get padlock for rear door

More than enough for a Sunday!

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