Hi all, I'm new to LZ and a new to owning a landrover and loving it, however I have a warning beep x 6 and a letter B with a cross though it next the the mileometer when I turn ignition on? Oh and the key fob does work any more. Any ideas as the cause?.... Help much appreciated ! Cheers

How about a clue as to what land rover it is.
So has anyone got idea as to why suddenly I have a flashing letter B (just below mileage) with a cross through it on my dash and my key fob stops working??
Nothing today but yesterday and Thursday were quite bad.

Thursday evening alternator belt snapped so left overnight and went to get a replacement yesterday. Whilst I was putting it back together I shorted the alternator out via my watch, thankfully no damage. But my watch welded the clasp shut and to my arm and was too hot to take off haha.

Then ran out of diesel so phoned dad, after I hung up I put my phone on the dash and forgot about it, drove off and it went out the window at around 40 :(

I daren't drive it today lol.
My work was particularly horrible all week i spent most of it waiting for today. Did a couple of small jobs then we set off for a new unexplored route in them thar mountains, which we've been planning for quite a while. Just as the road ended and the track began... this happened.


Major disappointment & much suckage ensued, since this is part of the hi / low ratio selection linkage which inevitably snapped as I was changing into low, the box was stuck in neutral. Eventually got it into low ratio & drove it home... slowly. Realised that it's nay on impossible to get at it from underneath & spent a long day sorting it out with the aid of a mechanically adept friend.

I luv's ma Landie buts she be a cruel and heartless mistress.
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Had a full day, just about, fettling bits .. Both rear wheel bearings and hubs taken off, checked, cleaned, waterproof grease added and all nicely tightened and working fine. Greased all UJ's and prop shafts, jeez it's nice not to have to check the feckin donut every time now!!

So, TC came round, chewing the fat over Landy **** and setting the world to rights over cuppas while I fussed about .. then we started on a front wheel bearing .. SH1 hits the fan .. TC noted they were both loose but I was going to leave them 'cos I only did them a few weeks ago .. really glad he shook the wheel and that I checked them out!

Rubber cap taken off end and immediately worried .. rust FFS! So circlip off, drive member loosened and removed and all looked OK! Outer bearing looked good, loadsa grease, lovely movement no grinding or muck in the grease, so we thought it probably just needed tightening up. Decided to take the hub off 'to see' and so glad we did. Inner bearing gummed up and barely moving, so cleaned it all up, looked inside the hub and the inner bearing race moved easily on the hub! It actually felt almost as nice a movement as a bearing!! So took it out, though to drop a Timken race in, but that's exactly what it did - dropped in! Hubs nackered. We reckon when the bearing nipped up a while ago it caused the inner race to rotate, and it's eventually loosened off enough that it has shagged the hub!

Juliet mentioned to me after Tim had brought bearings, a hub, all sorts of spares I could use as necessary, that if I remember (I obviously didn't!) that I had had to file a tiny lip off the hub last time to get the inner race in .. Now that isn't normal, I knew it but didn't twig at the time where the material for the lip had come from!

Then the rains came, so abandoned to the shed and will do more stuff tomorrow.

Big thanks to TopCat, Top Bloke .. thanks mate .. :)

Will also, tomorrow, check the diff fluid, 'cos rust normally means water, and water in an axle usually isn't good .. I'd hate to do the hubs and leave the diff water to work it's magic ...
Just done exactly what I warned my lad not to do!!! put his pushbike brake lever through me radiator......grrrr feck damn and blast :mad:
Done me cambelt yesterday and put some fresh antifreeze in it rather than just having water... Service today and maybe paint the chassis with the used engine oil.
Spent 2 hours taking off lights ,wiggling wires and lying underneath my landy following wires around , trying to find out why my lights are misbehaving and then poking about under the bonnet checking my oil , water and trying to figure out why me heater doesn't work either. Didn't get anywhere:( On a plus side I only hand to bounce on the bonnet once to get it to close today :p
Got fed up of that and fitted my jate rings instead and got to use my new adjustable spanners (lidl special) which are pretty nifty:D
Installed my HD Galvanized roof rack today, its been well over engineered compared to my last one and others i've seen, but impressed non the less and it has a nifty fold away access ladder..

Had plans .. yesterdays buggered hub and todays buggered stub axle, one at each end of the front axle, made sure I couldn't do 'stuff' ..

Glad for Tims donor axle, the stub axle and hub on it were perfect, as were the bearings!

First time I've looked at cheap and Timken together .. Jeez, dunno why I ever bothered .. even at £4 the cheap bearings are way over-priced, they're like tin by comparison. That's a mistake I'll not make again.

Now found that the rear UJ on the front prop is fubarred big style .. we'd thought it was the wheel bearings! Thanks goodness we checked the hubs first mind, 'cos if I'd cured the squeak I might not have checked quite as properly .... both bearings would have tightened up again, and both i expect would have run sweetly again, but both of them would also have been eating further into the hub and stub axles and would likely have been catastrophic failures, not just noisy!

Sh1 happens, didn't hit the fan, but close to ...

Will do the UJ tomorrow, spate of very cold rain and wind tonight stopped me .. and a good dinner! ;)
Put a new air suspension bag on my D2, then spent another hour taking it off and scratching my head wondering why it had not worked before putting it all back on scratching my head lots more and then carefully closing the rear door fully!

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