yup - cheap (Bosch) grinder fitted with wire brush. Cheap grinders dont have a dead mans handle :( & dont turn off if it gets ripped out of yo hands :faint2:.
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yup - cheap (Bosch) grinder fitted with wire brush. Cheap grinders dont have a dead mans handle :( & dont turn off if it gets ripped out of yo hands :faint2:.

never had one ripped out of my hands tbh even with wire brush attachment and i've done a lot of grinding.but it only takes a slight miscalculation and it hurts.

glad you's not too badly injured ;)
Me & Minty changed the sides on the 110 Now have windows in the back. Sides were tiger sealed onto the roof and didn't wanna let go. Heatgun, wedges, pry bars and brute force, to get it shifted.


Just a word in yer ear Mints ...

this could be the start of a 'project'...

I've seen where this can go !!!


but then if it gives you more room .... :cool:
Been out and done a few lanes, a few miles of the Viking Way, got covered in peculiar orange-brown Leicestershire mud, got home and jetwashed it all off ready for its other life as my daily driver back and forth to work.
Got new dampers an springs fitted on all 4 corners as my originals just about fell out on tuesday, thank you Matthew @ Tayside LR for for the speedy turnaround time, she even stands taller now..
went out to find the drive covered in oil (not just yer normal drip)
took a while to find the problem, engine is now nice and clean after a degreas and pressure wash.
problem was the flippin new lift pump gasket didnt seal... most of the contents of my sump appear to be round the yorkshire dales, there wasnt much left when I checked, from full yest morning, to on the min mark today :eek:

drained rest, did oil n filter change whilst i was at it.
managed to smash a headlight while taking front end apart, all back in and good now. also finally got the immobiliser wired up to starter motor.
anyone know a good way to get oil off the drive? a mate suggested petrol and sand?
managed to smash a headlight while taking front end apart, all back in and good now. also finally got the immobiliser wired up to starter motor.
anyone know a good way to get oil off the drive? a mate suggested petrol and sand?

Cat litter soaks most of it out then degreaser, TFR or the like:)
Had a bit of a nightmare two horses in trailer and thermostat decided to go resulting in the temp gauge to go threw the roof but binned it after i removed it. And a big thankyou to landowner for all his help and advice.
Just got in from work in a placement up the Rhondda - decided to come home a different way...

Up and over one of the greenlanes that drop me on our side of the Valleys. Quite a different beast in the autumn bearing in mind last time I drove it it was high 20s and had been for a few weeks.

Luckily I chose the rock based one over the grass/mud one so wasn't too bad - did venture onto the grass/mud one our side and didn't get too far in before I decided better and turned around as it was getting a bit sticky for a loner trip!
Just got in from work in a placement up the Rhondda - decided to come home a different way...

Up and over one of the greenlanes that drop me on our side of the Valleys. Quite a different beast in the autumn bearing in mind last time I drove it it was high 20s and had been for a few weeks.

Luckily I chose the rock based one over the grass/mud one so wasn't too bad - did venture onto the grass/mud one our side and didn't get too far in before I decided better and turned around as it was getting a bit sticky for a loner trip!

I remember one bad winter back in the late 70s trying to get up from Ponty to the wireless masts on top of Eglwysilan in a Series 3. Water running down the lane had frozen so we couldn't even get to the cattle grid (most of you won't know it but Pontyslapper probably will).
We ended up going over the top of the mountain from Nelson .... now that was an interesting off road experience.


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