i've often dreamed of touring europe

it seems the best thing is to go with a pre planed company who organises these

would be an ambition of mine to take a trip like this

alas though would have to have my dogs with me , that's another question and nightmare concerning dog passports

one day and live in hope
Depends what sort of a trip your looking for.
I'd love to go with others,but living here in France,freinds I have with interest in off roading are either in the UK or always seem to have work comitments.
I suppose I'm lucky,as I'm self employed,so,when I want to go,I just pack the truck & off I go.
I also live in France. When a group of us went off to Morocco we all met up in France then drove down to Spain. the rest met up at the camp site in Spain.
been looking through so many different companies

it would be fine with me to rough it for the entire trip

hopefully stopping off so could at least have a shower here or there , making me feel human again

don't know how much prep the disco would need maybe a raised snorkel and sump guards

would be such a great trip, pleasing myself and having a great laugh along the way

Have a read of a blog Chris did when we went off on a trip to Morocco. Your D3 would be fine as is. Sum guard would be good Raised air intake would be a bonus but not essential.Take an extra air filter.
Hi Stuart
I'd say you could have a great European trip for a fraction of that.
Especialy if your camping.
We did Morocco for around three and a half grand. Which included ferry crossing, camp sites, hotels, food drink, meals out and fuel. And we didn't have to watch the pennies. Its best in a group for both security and more fun. We didn't go on an organised tour. I think we got lost twice for a couple of days. I just followed the others, I didn't even know we were lost the first time. It was great fun.
We did Morocco for around three and a half grand. Which included ferry crossing, camp sites, hotels, food drink, meals out and fuel. And we didn't have to watch the pennies. Its best in a group for both security and more fun. We didn't go on an organised tour. I think we got lost twice for a couple of days. I just followed the others, I didn't even know we were lost the first time. It was great fun.

didn't realise it would be that cheap, alas still a lot of money

when i first start looking into different off road holidays some were asking in excess of 10 k

would like to drive from the uk, through france , spain , italy then into morocco

heard so many horror stories of security being an issue though morocco , then other sites where they have to employ guards etc to escort the group

however i think i would have a problem with taking the dogs the moment i left europe

might be a good idea to stay in europe on my first trip and go from there
Once you have your doggy passport its no problem. My friend used to take his dog to Morocco every year. He wouldn't go without him. The dog used to keep all the Moroccans away. Best security you can have.

i assumed the passport would only allow u to stay in europe , didn't think u could go outside of it

my two , black lab and a bichon , would lick them to death if they came near the landy , maybe i should invest in a nice german shepherd , lol
You actualy only need your doggie passport to get back in to the UK.
Once in Europe there are no border posts anymore,at least the countrys I have visited,France,Spain,Portugal,Italy,Holland,Belgium........
I don't think you even need one to leave the UK.
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i assumed the passport would only allow u to stay in europe , didn't think u could go outside of it

my two , black lab and a bichon , would lick them to death if they came near the landy , maybe i should invest in a nice german shepherd , lol

I had a German shepherd, he was the same very gentle but knew if they were friend or foe. If the later they wouldn't come anywhere near us.
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Why is adventurism exclusive to Defender owners? Or does driving an uncomfortable, unreliable vehicle add something to the illusion?

Don't think anyone is saying adventurism is exclusive to Defender owners, but if you have one why dream of an adventure. Why not live it.
You actualy only need your doggie passport to get back in to the UK.
Once in Europe there are no border posts anymore,at least the countrys I have visited,France,Spain,Portugal,Italy,Holland,Belgium........
I don't think you even need one to leave the UK.

didn't realise that m thks for the heads up
Lovely dogs!!

I've always wanted to aswell, its why I bought a Defender in the first place. My first idea was Australia but after properly looking into it, the trip became VERY expensive very quickly so it got shelved, maybe one day in the future when I've made some more cash!

That said I've wanted to do Morocco for the past couple years, just never had the cash to do so plus I ended up going to Vegas instead :rolleyes: twice haha. Been to Marrakesh twice but on holiday, loved it both times, except the call to prayer grew quite tiresome when your hungover in that heat...

Once my landy is a bit more how I want it, I'll start looking again toward the end of the year for a 2018 trip. Got to convince the girlfriend to come as well, shes very apprehensive about doing anything landy related as for some reason the 90 always died when ever we went on long trips in it! Clearly didnt like her :p

Done France a couple of times, but I would hardly say it was an expedition. More of a nice drive to a campsite then a day off roading in sand. Blinding fun but thats about the most expeditioning i've done....
Lovely dogs!!

I've always wanted to aswell, its why I bought a Defender in the first place. My first idea was Australia but after properly looking into it, the trip became VERY expensive very quickly so it got shelved, maybe one day in the future when I've made some more cash!

That said I've wanted to do Morocco for the past couple years, just never had the cash to do so plus I ended up going to Vegas instead :rolleyes: twice haha. Been to Marrakesh twice but on holiday, loved it both times, except the call to prayer grew quite tiresome when your hungover in that heat...

Once my landy is a bit more how I want it, I'll start looking again toward the end of the year for a 2018 trip. Got to convince the girlfriend to come as well, shes very apprehensive about doing anything landy related as for some reason the 90 always died when ever we went on long trips in it! Clearly didnt like her :p

Done France a couple of times, but I would hardly say it was an expedition. More of a nice drive to a campsite then a day off roading in sand. Blinding fun but thats about the most expeditioning i've done....

never know, one day may be able to organise a LZ trip across europe

now that would be a great laugh and a trip of a life time

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