Hi guys, a very new newbie here. Old news this but with a recent addition...

On 9/9/2009 (I'll always remember that date), at 10am, my very distinctive ex-Royal Navy Bomb Disposal Defender 110 CSW was stolen from my driveway near Sleaford, Lincs. She was in emergency vehicle (Police-style) livery, white with fluorescent and blue/silver reflective checquer side strips, 'ROYAL NAVY' markings, blue light bars and 'BOMB DISPOSAL' signs front and rear. Also, had enormous custom made roof rack (mounted through roof panel, not onto gutters) to carry a RIB. Reg M587 VRB.

3 young men had turned up in a grey Jap pickup with rear hardtop, one knocked on door then, a couple of mimutes later, pickup left, followed by my Landy. Whole process watched by 2 of my neighbours, who just though it was being collected for some innocent reason ('they just seemed to be going about innocent business'):doh:.

Police never recovered it, but said at the time that it would almost certainly have gone to the Scott Road Pikey Camp in Newark. Said they couldn't raid the camp unless they had strong evidence.

I heard recently that they raided the camp in December and found 2 Defenders in different stages of being dismantled, neither of them mine.

If you are in the Newark area, they are still active!
Does anyone know of any survey's available on car theft eg; 4X4s compared to other vehicles; most popular models stolen, are more defenders stolen than disco's, has a freelander ever been stolen and if it was, when did they give it back?

who the hell would nick a freelander, joyrider?erm no,nothing joyful about riding in a gaylander, no car thief would risk it in case it broke down, or the chance someone he knew saw him in it.and nobody would buy the thing anyway. so if your freelander gets stolen look in the carpark of the local mental hospital;)
who the hell would nick a freelander, joyrider?erm no,nothing joyful about riding in a gaylander, no car thief would risk it in case it broke down, or the chance someone he knew saw him in it.and nobody would buy the thing anyway. so if your freelander gets stolen look in the carpark of the local mental hospital;)

No theif would knick my freelander, they'd be too scared of the headgasket going and then being stranded!

I now have an secure underground car park space with my new apartment which makes me happy.

The guy who i replaced in my last job had his renault knicked, it was a sporty thing 3litre i think. The basterds broke into his house and knicked his keys from downstairs while he slept upstairs. I was still learning to drive at the time but it taught me to never ever let my car keys out of my sight. When i go bed at night, they come with and sit on the bedside table.
When my dad had a series 2a his was nicked from outside the house....they found it about 5 mile away.They wanted to find it quick as there were a lot of ram raids going on in the towns around us and his had bull bars on the front wich was perfect for the job the police had said

Anyway we got a phone call at 4am the next morning telling us they had found it and were watching it from a distance and we had an hour to go get it.

all my dads tools were in the back but they left them and nicked a pair of gloves that were in the front. they had parked it ready to use it another day for whatever....

After that we didn't bother with steering wheel locks on my brothers he put a very hefty chain tightly round the steering wheel, clutch and accelerator and a huge padlock on it - this was as well as his alarm and immobiliser, my dad went for a big chain same as my brothers, padlocks on the two windows as these were the sliding ones and probably how they got in it in the first place, and a big padlock on the drivers door....all the personal security really did their job....one less secure one round the corner disappeared from round the corner that never came back.

Janette (L4ndy4ng3l)
My 1986 ex military 90 was stolen last November from a side street outside my place of work. The general concensus of the officers who dealt with it is that it was probably taken for export although why anyone would want to export such an old vehicle is beyond me. The locks on the 90 just give up if you look at them the wrong way. I had a crooklock on the wheel but bolt cutters will cut it off in seconds. I should have fitted a battery isolator switch in some obscure place and used it. But the insurance paid for a 2000 Discovery ES Auto 4 litre V8 which is more fun, more comfortable, and, once converted to LPG, more economical. It also has the benefit of immobiliser and alarm and whilst I'm aware that these can be circumvented at least it puts off the amateurs. I'm not sure if I support the "chop their hands off" school of thought but I do think that those caught should spend considerable time at HMs pleasure and that her pleasure should be a little less pleasant than it is currently rumoured to be.
When my dad had a series 2a his was nicked from outside the house....they found it about 5 mile away.They wanted to find it quick as there were a lot of ram raids going on in the towns around us and his had bull bars on the front wich was perfect for the job the police had said

Anyway we got a phone call at 4am the next morning telling us they had found it and were watching it from a distance and we had an hour to go get it.

all my dads tools were in the back but they left them and nicked a pair of gloves that were in the front. they had parked it ready to use it another day for whatever....

After that we didn't bother with steering wheel locks on my brothers he put a very hefty chain tightly round the steering wheel, clutch and accelerator and a huge padlock on it - this was as well as his alarm and immobiliser, my dad went for a big chain same as my brothers, padlocks on the two windows as these were the sliding ones and probably how they got in it in the first place, and a big padlock on the drivers door....all the personal security really did their job....one less secure one round the corner disappeared from round the corner that never came back.

Janette (L4ndy4ng3l)
Well said.

I'm interested in a UK based place that sells the padlock kit for the doors.

I ultimately want grills on the back door window as well as padlock brackets on all three doors...
someone on another forum sent me this message re what's likely to be happening to the stolen landies:

not saying he's right but looking st the messages in this section of the forum, there are a lot of vehicles going at the moment in the M1 corridor, including mine, which were just off the A50

Your landrovers could be at 'Costalot', Bagworth, Leics. Its only about 40 miles from you and its where most of the nicked cars end up because its now the biggest gypo site in the country. Not long ago the police recovered £3 million worth of vehicles from the site. A lot of landrovers, trailers and horse boxes have been taken locally to me recently and they've all ended up over there.

Google Maps
The point about the keys is worth noting.

My friends mum was in the kitchen looking out the window doing the washing up, when some bloke jumped hrough the window, snatched the keys off the side was out and off with the car before she could get her breath. Although I think she did hit him twice with a soggy wooden spoon in pure fright.

Another disturbing one. Mates missus parks on the drive and gets out. Some blokes pull up behind her and tries to snatch the keys. Whilst she is struggling my mate and his son turn up. See what is happening and wade in. One bloke pulls out a screwdriver and stabs my mate and his son with it. They leg it and drive off. My mate has a punctured lung. Apparently copper says they carry screwdrivers as you cant be done for carrying that as you can a knife.
The point about the keys is worth noting.

My friends mum was in the kitchen looking out the window doing the washing up, when some bloke jumped hrough the window, snatched the keys off the side was out and off with the car before she could get her breath. Although I think she did hit him twice with a soggy wooden spoon in pure fright.

Another disturbing one. Mates missus parks on the drive and gets out. Some blokes pull up behind her and tries to snatch the keys. Whilst she is struggling my mate and his son turn up. See what is happening and wade in. One bloke pulls out a screwdriver and stabs my mate and his son with it. They leg it and drive off. My mate has a punctured lung. Apparently copper says they carry screwdrivers as you cant be done for carrying that as you can a knife.

as car security improves, it's much harder to steal cars without the keys, so nicking the keys, then the car, has become the MO of the modern car theif. One of the reasons the 300TDi landrovers are targeted is because you can take those without the keys
howdy i am unfortunate enough to live a couple of miles away from costalot pikey camp its a constant cause for concern around here, me and some of my friends have had first hand experience of these scumbags they will pinch anything that moves and it usualy ends up at costalot or the new illegal site just around the corner aptly named THE GOOD FRIDAY CAMP guess why? because the dirty thieving scumbag ba-tards built the camp while coalville council were shut for the bank holiday!! now they have an illegal camp nearly as big as costalot !! so what do the council do next?? they give the pikeys a three year temporary permit ? what ?? the council may as well build em a frikkin swimming pool aswell ............ iff your vvehicle has gone there you wont see it again for sure ! but if you would like to find some of the parts from your truck ill tell you where they will be ? just past the village of nailstone on wood road is a truck type buisness its pallets yard, behind that hardly visible from the road is a large building, you hardly notice it ,its owned by a real nasty pikey family they have no phone no or address and have been there for a few years, they only sell /deal with other gypos and only sell stolen parts for commercial and 4x4 trucks, there known localy as bastard gippos..... the police around here have to make an appointment to visit these camps and they even have their own police liason officer what a joke ..........if you decide to go looking dont go alone ..... take many large friends....................................and a gun.
i know a few people with motorbikes and scooters that have been followd home after a days riding,the thieves then return at night ,often moving cars that are parked blocking the vehicle in and breaking into the garage,.one time they even placed the moved cars back to where they were after taking the r1 bike out of the garage,,,,the same could go for a landy ...if you happen to pass the thieving scum you could easily be followed home...ime lucky that my dog would bark .alerting me to thieves,but bear in mind if confronting them you need to be fairly handy,not long ago near to me a lad got stabbed in the head with a screwdriver and killed tackling thieves trying to steal hid dads car.....although we all hate thieves taking our possesions is it worth your life taking them on,..i know in my case with the adrenalin rushing and been a bit hot headed it would be hard not to confront them... all ime saying is just be carefull...all the best nunny
howdy i am unfortunate enough to live a couple of miles away from costalot pikey camp its a constant cause for concern around here, me and some of my friends have had first hand experience of these scumbags they will pinch anything that moves and it usualy ends up at costalot or the new illegal site just around the corner aptly named THE GOOD FRIDAY CAMP guess why? because the dirty thieving scumbag ba-tards built the camp while coalville council were shut for the bank holiday!! now they have an illegal camp nearly as big as costalot !! so what do the council do next?? they give the pikeys a three year temporary permit ? what ?? the council may as well build em a frikkin swimming pool aswell ............ iff your vvehicle has gone there you wont see it again for sure ! but if you would like to find some of the parts from your truck ill tell you where they will be ? just past the village of nailstone on wood road is a truck type buisness its pallets yard, behind that hardly visible from the road is a large building, you hardly notice it ,its owned by a real nasty pikey family they have no phone no or address and have been there for a few years, they only sell /deal with other gypos and only sell stolen parts for commercial and 4x4 trucks, there known localy as bastard gippos..... the police around here have to make an appointment to visit these camps and they even have their own police liason officer what a joke ..........if you decide to go looking dont go alone ..... take many large friends....................................and a gun.

Is this the place you mean?

[Edit, removed the google earth link as it's not a good idea to put anything about a specific location etc in a public forum]
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i know a few people with motorbikes and scooters that have been followd home after a days riding,the thieves then return at night ,often moving cars that are parked blocking the vehicle in and breaking into the garage,.one time they even placed the moved cars back to where they were after taking the r1 bike out of the garage,,,,the same could go for a landy ...if you happen to pass the thieving scum you could easily be followed home...ime lucky that my dog would bark .alerting me to thieves,but bear in mind if confronting them you need to be fairly handy,not long ago near to me a lad got stabbed in the head with a screwdriver and killed tackling thieves trying to steal hid dads car.....although we all hate thieves taking our possesions is it worth your life taking them on,..i know in my case with the adrenalin rushing and been a bit hot headed it would be hard not to confront them... all ime saying is just be carefull...all the best nunny

Yes, we came very close to disturbing them in the act, i'm not sure if that would have been a good thing or not.
lock em in and block em in with another vehicle is the only way.
Stop the available exit and remove hiab access.

Most wagons get lifted and gone in a 1er.
Even from gravel drives with tight access i found out.
The hiab is the favourite weapon.or they can or drive it away on a tow bar.
Most are left in odd places to cool down if tracked.those that show no eletronic signatures are gone straight away.
non deviced vehicles are easy deviced vehicles are less aesy.The only way is to stop access.....

mine gets blocked in and locked in and i have a chainsaw ready by my bed....:):):)
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Semi-auto shotgun.
Soon to reload some rocksalt and gravel shells so it won't blow their heads off :D
Less mess and injury on them the better. You want to drive away thieves with injuries as opposed to maiming them / killing them if possible. That way you don't have as much heat of the cops when they show up.
Semi-auto shotgun.
Soon to reload some rocksalt and gravel shells so it won't blow their heads off :D
Less mess and injury on them the better. You want to drive away thieves with injuries as opposed to maiming them / killing them if possible. That way you don't have as much heat of the cops when they show up.

..put em through chipper and tip up at green waste site with a load of llayandi...easy......:D:D:eek::eek:
howdy i am unfortunate enough to live a couple of miles away from costalot pikey camp its a constant cause for concern around here, me and some of my friends have had first hand experience of these scumbags they will pinch anything that moves and it usualy ends up at costalot or the new illegal site just around the corner aptly named THE GOOD FRIDAY CAMP guess why? because the dirty thieving scumbag ba-tards built the camp while coalville council were shut for the bank holiday!! now they have an illegal camp nearly as big as costalot !! so what do the council do next?? they give the pikeys a three year temporary permit ? what ?? the council may as well build em a frikkin swimming pool aswell ............ iff your vvehicle has gone there you wont see it again for sure ! but if you would like to find some of the parts from your truck ill tell you where they will be ? just past the village of nailstone on wood road is a truck type buisness its pallets yard, behind that hardly visible from the road is a large building, you hardly notice it ,its owned by a real nasty pikey family they have no phone no or address and have been there for a few years, they only sell /deal with other gypos and only sell stolen parts for commercial and 4x4 trucks, there known localy as bastard gippos..... the police around here have to make an appointment to visit these camps and they even have their own police liason officer what a joke ..........if you decide to go looking dont go alone ..... take many large friends....................................and a gun.

If that's the one i'm thinking of - and i'm fairly sure it is - the council have been making their site smaller trying to move them on now - but yet have failed to really notice that they are slowly removing the hedge opposite the site... One guess where they are going to move to when actually kicked out...
This will possibly be of some use, but should raise a smile..
I have a Mk1 'Frogeye' sprite, and some years ago it was my daily driver. On several occasions I came back to it to find the ignition wires hanging down from the dash. THose who know these cars will recall there is no real security on them (not even a door lock) but despite several allempts at theft it resisted every one, Why? the thives in question were to thick to work out why there was a large knob on the dash with 'S' written on it!
I also had an SIII SWB safari with overdrive, this was also the suject of unautherised entry and ignition lock vandalism, yet again no one ever drove it away, mostly as I always parked with all three gearboxes in neutral I suspect. OK it won't stop any thief who knows the cars, but it will stop the brain dead joyrider.


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