
I have read a few of these threads. Do any turn up again?? Or are they all just eBayed for spares??

I know a few classic old cars (Granadas and stuff) go missing for the banger racers, but where do the Landys go???
sum turn up again but most are in bits within a couple of hours of being nicked and sum have false plates/ids and repainted and sold to unsuspecting victims
most will end up parked in a carpark for a few days before they get broken up (incase they are being tracked by the filth) ;)
so get on yer bike and go check out the local 1's ;)
Most get broken. Just recently the number of landys recovered still intact has increased a bit.:)
Mine was recovered after 2 weeks....they tried to disguise it by painting it with gloss paint with a paintbrush!!!. It has been written off because of this but is due to be delivered back to me in the next few days for 'restoration'
110 left hand drive was nicked from John Lennon airport 2 yrs ago and my 90 was nicked last November, just can't seem to keep hold of them, although I do have dreams of catching someone trying to take my next one.

If anyone has any tips to put thieves off or make their job harder it would be appreciated.



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I have read a few of these threads. Do any turn up again?? Or are they all just eBayed for spares??

I know a few classic old cars (Granadas and stuff) go missing for the banger racers, but where do the Landys go???

A Dr No type collects them all for his vast underground bunker to go playing with in the dead of night along with all his other stolen machines!

Seriously though it's the criminal scum out there who have no qualms and morals about other peoples vehicles. They are skilled at quickly stealing vehicles that are without security systems. Off it goes to thief hq where it's stripped down and sold off for parts.
Rumour has it these 'hqs' are lead-lined or in 'dead-zones' where even trackers can't locate...
I think these places are fairly rare though.

Common law should prevail and a hand of their choosing ought to be lopped off if they are caught.
I know, I know I'm being ultra-right wing on this but the softly softly approach isn't lessening the theft of cars is it?

Get the most powerful and secure mechanical immobiliser you can and use it on the steering wheel. Then also have a secret, remote cut-off switch to really give them a headache!
Here's one I use:
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Cheers BuzzLand, the disklok will definatley be a purchase when I come to terms with the price of 110 left hand drive defenders latley. How do they justify these prices when a left hand drive is cheaper to manufacture?
having had mine stolen today, the police inform me that often landrovers and other high spec luxury cars are stolen to order, loaded onto flad beds and then eventually into shipping containers at places like felixstowe and hull, and are often abroad (eastern europe or africa) within a few days.

Apparently they are highly skilled and tooled up (including computerised devices that disable or block gps tracking equipent), specific in their targets and very well organised in terms of the speed with which they get rid of the vehicles to a well organised market overseas.

Cheering thought.
having had mine stolen today, the police inform me that often landrovers and other high spec luxury cars are stolen to order, loaded onto flad beds and then eventually into shipping containers at places like felixstowe and hull, and are often abroad (eastern europe or africa) within a few days.

Apparently they are highly skilled and tooled up (including computerised devices that disable or block gps tracking equipent), specific in their targets and very well organised in terms of the speed with which they get rid of the vehicles to a well organised market overseas.

Cheering thought.

That is pretty grim.
The sad thing is unless you can park your machine behind fences and walls (which a thief would have to breach to get inside). Your machine is often vulnerable to the thieving sods who can pretty brazenly operate from the roadside.
I can't fit my machine in the garage as it is (roof's too high) and if I want to get it into my garden car port I've got to dismantle the gate's crossmember.
I read in a mag (LRO I think) aaages ago about a fella who mounted his spare wheel to the roof of his fender on the sloped bit (above the drive/cab) with some sort of uberlock.. because often thieves ignored these. Reason being that with the wheel fitted here, it makes it too much of a faff to get into a shipping container. How true this is I don't know, an idea though.
having lost a def 90 to pykie scum, and the disco nearly going the same way before christmas I have taken to drastic action... I chain it to a blood great big tree with a frankly obscenely large chain and padlock. Inside I have a big cable lock securing the lifted front seat (3 door) to the steering wheel along with a second ignition lock hidden away. Also there is a magic eye buzzer that sounds in someone enters the garden No, none of this will stop a VERY determined car thief from taking it if they really want to but it'll take so long to do it, I've had time to have a cup of tea, unlock the 12 from the cabinet and load both barrels before going out and "in fear of my life" shooting the little turd in the knees. Then, when he has a wheel chair, going round late at night and taking it for a joy ride before torching it in a field, or breaking it for spares.

I think the subject of car theft may have touched a raw nerve.
Does anyone know of any survey's available on car theft eg; 4X4s compared to other vehicles; most popular models stolen, are more defenders stolen than disco's, has a freelander ever been stolen and if it was, when did they give it back?
Does anyone know of any survey's available on car theft eg; 4X4s compared to other vehicles; most popular models stolen, are more defenders stolen than disco's, has a freelander ever been stolen and if it was, when did they give it back?

I've recovered only 1 stolen freelander in the 12 years I've been doing my job.:D
Slightly off-topic but a biking friend has just emailed me on youtube.
His GSXR stolen, in broad-daylight while he was inside making a brew (his routine before putting the bike in the garage.
He hears a bang. It's his bike falling over in the wagon they've just hoyed it in!
He rushes outside and tackles the 2 in the back!
He's getting the upper hand when a forth pikey gets out and bundles him out of the van and they manage to get away!
They'd been watching him for weeks seeing what his routine was and waited for him to relax then pounced!

I think this recession is really seeing the scum crawl out of the woodwork lads. :(
Again a little off topic but when I has a series I used to leave the transfer box and ovedrive in neutral which I beleive foiled more than one attempt other than that the dgos bark like mad when ayone goes near the house let alone the driveway but it's the age old thing no matter what security system you have etc. if they want it bad enough they will take it
That's what they want you to think, you've just got to make them think you're bloody-minded enough to stop them and they'll pick on someone else.

Eventually if enough vehicles that are 4x4s are too tough to steal they'll change over to another class of vehicle and lannies will be stolen less and less.
It all starts with alarms, immobilisers, and mechanical devices. Take it from there...
a word of wisdom for all of those with alarmed, locked, bolted, padlocked, crook locked land rovers sitting on their drive ways at night: Don't leave your keys on the kitchen windowsill, or on a hook by the front door? place them in a drawer/cupboard out of sight or the scallies will start breaking in your house in order to steal the keys first.

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