
Active Member
when my engine went kaput (about 5 months ago) I looked on ebay at 200tdi's and they could be had for about £450 just had a look now £1000-1500!!!! eh!?
The first one is a disco 200tdi, the second is a Defender 200tdi. Wasn't sure which option you're wanting to go for
when my engine went kaput (about 5 months ago) I looked on ebay at 200tdi's and they could be had for about £450 just had a look now £1000-1500!!!! eh!?
Supply and demand. Obviously more peeps have blown theirs up recently.
Been a good while since the last 200 was made so going to be getting thin on the ground.Bet that terrible scrapage scheme accounted for many still good 200's as well
The defender versions usually go for much more than the disco versions. I think I paid £350 for my disco version about 2 years ago.
guess i'll find summat might even go down the route of another 2.5N/A if one crops up! or if I feel really adventurous might have a poke around at the one that's in it would like a bit more oomph but just have to see whats around when I have the funds for it haha, still a few rusty complete discos going cheap but need to shift some of the scrap I've got lying round first

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