I used to play a lot with them at school - a 90, some Discos, 101 as well as some bigger toys we were lucky enough to have. We'd go every year to a local P&P place with them, though at that time I didn't think about getting my own (apart from occasional thoughts about a 101, which I utterly loved). Also we always used to have various Series LRs at home until I was probably 7 or 8 - some of my earliest memories of cars include learning about bump starting in a Land Rover on a hill just for fun on the way home and standing next to a Series poking the steel dimpled pedals.
Then recently I needed my own car and was also thinking about what best to use for the development of a microcontrolled woodgas generator. Something with a largish petrol engine fitted the bill nicely, plus a LR has a nice flat back end to bolt it onto without making holes in the boot of a 'normal' car. Now a few green lanes and lots of new parts has cemented my bond with it and my soft spot for LRs has softened further.
My 1st full time job after leaving uni was a sales man in a local landcover dealer in Aberystwyth where I went to Uni. I was hooked on the oval the minute I sat in one. That was back in 2001. Only now have I been able to justify the running costs of the TD5 and bought a 53 plate just 1 month ago. Yearning to get out and do some green laning but finding local groups is difficult and I am not confident enough to do it on my own in a std vehicle.
Fingers crossed it will happen soon. Anyone near Newcastle Emlyn who knows of any groups or lanes I would love to hear from you