
Active Member
Ok guys and gals the master mechanic doesn't like the fan setup on our (my) 90 which he's put a 200tdi engine in (cant blame him he's a perfectionist) I however just want to go and get in it and play can anyone recommend a fan setup to put in Kenlow that sort of thing getting bored with the avater now and want it to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(:monitor_punch:
I Knew everyone would say that :) basically he doesn't want to cut the shroud around the fan says it wont work properly and all that! :confused:
Depends what you use the car for.

When I was a mud seeker I had a pair of 16" Kenlowe's on the Range Rover, each configured to work at different temperatures with a kill switch inside for wading purposes - OK till you forget to turn the buggers back on ... these don't need a shroud of any kind.

General road use and laning the standard fan is fine - trying to figure why he would want to cut the shroud - what engine did it have before? - sorry if I should already know are you saying that the 200TDi fan won't fit??, if so why not buy a 200TDi rad and shroud ??

You can still use a standard fan when wading but it works like a propeller and drowns every thing under the bonnet this can be prevented with a grill / radiator mask but you need to get out the car to put it in place.
I took my viscous fan off, fitted a leccy fan that we got for free and I rarely use it, only on hot days when I'm in traffic, like I said, rarely. Even with a winch, close fitting bumper and two big hella driving lights :p
Switched on my electric fan once in anger. Very steep hill pulling a trailer on a v hot day and that was just because I could, it wasn't too hot! Incidentally mine is an old frontera fan £5 and it fits perfect?
Well thanks chaps the plan is to tow with it occasionally when the Removal trucks cant reach without ripping the sides of them out. And as the 200 is a disco transplant the cowling doesn't marry up without cutting it using the TD one and the 200 cowling isnt deep enough to get the full benefit, hence electric fans. As I am in Gods country down here (and on the 9th day God made mahoosif chuffing hills made of all sorts :eek:) it will definitely earn its keep! and on the 10th day he went green laning :cool:
Mondeo fans and xengineering stat kit was what I was going to use but I've taken my fan off and it towed a 3.9 rrc through 3 ft of standing water and didn't get above normal temp so never bothered with the upgrade and the hills round here are pretty bad too!

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