
Well I am building a 110 twin cab from the ground up. I need guidance on engine choice. I going from 0m606 to 6bt and the m57. I have a perfectly good 200 tdi engine sitting here. I getting myself confused. Thing like the 6bt can't be drive normal it will break things ect ect , but a om606 will break things as well then on that principle as well as a m57. Anyone have real life experience of any one of these engine conversion? Oh can you still get the 2.8 tvg is there any point looking

@Corrie , have you been on the wee drams? It's just an engine. To make decision, what's the 110 being used for? Ultimately, engine choice is down to four things...torque, bhp, reliability, cost to run/parts.

Personally, I'd drop in a mildly tweaked RRV8 and be done with it.
Is my spelling that bad, you think I am pished lol. No just general towing ect , I think it my boy racer days coming back and influencing me, or you ytube videos. Stuff a v8 I had one you can visibly see the fuel gauge moving. Mileage in lamp posts per gallon.
The engine in my old Rover 75 2.0 auto Diesel was a fantastic lump, fast, economical, smooth and reliable. I always thought it would be great in my series. Laziness prevented me from persuing the idea.


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