
New Member
Gone to change the HG today and the liners have dropped so its a no go for a decent fix. thinking I could save the money on gaskets and bolts and put that towards another engine / donor car. As I also need a new ecu I am thinking that maybe I could fit a different engine altogether and do away with the K series?

So what engines are a suitable option? will the T series fit without too many issues? or would a 2.0 diesel from an old 220 do the job or will it be too much of a slug without a turbo diesel? cant remember if they did a 2.0 non turbo petrol version of the T series, would that be a better option?

The other half loves the car so I am looking at options other than bodging it for a quick sale and then buying another one and starting the cycle all over again?
how much of the K series management is compatible with the T'series? I guess a complete donor car will be needed to do the conversion. has this been done yet and if so what problems were encountered etc..

still trying to decide what to do with it?
is there any more required to physically connect the engine other than the input shaft?
is a box adapter needed and do engine mounts need to be fabricated etc..

Due to insurance issues, it looks like a non turbo unit will need to be fitted, so that will save some work on the conversion. I am not really looking for more power, just increased reliability for her car, and If I can do a conversion on close to replacement K series unit money it makes sense to me.

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