Dear All,

I've got a 2.5 DSE, 1999 Rangie which has passively immobilsed herself with all bar the driver's door locked(probably superlocked). I've tried all the procedures I know of and nothing works. So, I've had a recommended mechanic round who had the "Testbook" software and we tried to sort the problem. It hasn't worked.

A couple of things have come to light :

1. The diagnostics showed that the BeCM thought it was
French (Mine's English, obviously)
Manual (Mine's an auto)
Petrol (Mine's a diesel)
Different Vin number

So, we tried to re-program everything. Didn't work. So, we tried to change things one by one. The first option to change is the "market something"(can't remember what it was) and we get an error :

DS2 initialisation failure

Any ideas?

I love my Rangie and she's a great workhorse (my wife has horses - which are, infact, as bl**dy expensive as Range Rovers !!) and I don't want to have to scrap her. However, a new BeCM will probably be worth more than she is so that's a no-no.

Any info/help/ideas would be most welcome.

PS: I run a pub so help=free beer
Check that your battery is OK, a slightly discharged battery can play havoc with the BECM. Disconnect the battery for a few minutes to cause a reset but make sure you have your EKA code handy. If the BECM is at fault, Irishrover or Rick the Pick will sort it for not a lot of cash.
as posted try irish or rick.I had problem with my becm,had it revirginalised by bba remanufacturing in kent then refitted and reprogramed by my local if it comes to that ,good luck
Dear All,

I've got a 2.5 DSE, 1999 Rangie which has passively immobilsed herself with all bar the driver's door locked(probably superlocked). I've tried all the procedures I know of and nothing works. So, I've had a recommended mechanic round who had the "Testbook" software and we tried to sort the problem. It hasn't worked.

A couple of things have come to light :

1. The diagnostics showed that the BeCM thought it was
French (Mine's English, obviously)
Manual (Mine's an auto)
Petrol (Mine's a diesel)
Different Vin number

So, we tried to re-program everything. Didn't work. So, we tried to change things one by one. The first option to change is the "market something"(can't remember what it was) and we get an error :

DS2 initialisation failure

Any ideas?

I love my Rangie and she's a great workhorse (my wife has horses - which are, infact, as bl**dy expensive as Range Rovers !!) and I don't want to have to scrap her. However, a new BeCM will probably be worth more than she is so that's a no-no.

Any info/help/ideas would be most welcome.

PS: I run a pub so help=free beer


All the above tells me that the Becm is alarmed and in Lockout status.
That means that Dealers Test Book cannot unlock and reset it as the equipment does not have the capability. A Synchmate would also have no effect in clearing the fault/condition.

The Becm needs to be unlocked and reset by someone with the specialised software.
Myself, Rick and others can sort you out.

Must say that mentioning a pub is tempting!!!!

Yep. That becm has indeed alarmed up.

You need to look at the reasons why it's done. If it's a primary problem then getting the becm sorted out will fix the problem, if the alarmed becm is a secondry problem then you will need to look at another issue that caused it.
as posted try irish or rick.I had problem with my becm,had it revirginalised by bba remanufacturing in kent then refitted and reprogramed by my local if it comes to that ,good luck

sorry to jump in on this thread! as you may be aware i have a similar thread running on the forum for a similar thing! have removed the becm and sent off to bba who are not the quickest! but something tomcat59alan has said has me worried, when my becm comes back from bba will i need to refit and reprogram or will bba reprogram before they send it back?
First time it came back i presume it was reprogramed,the car was at my local indy and i was out of the country.A fault developed after about five months and the becm was removed by myself and my indy returned it for checking,the car stayed at my house because i was away again and he didnt want it at his garage imobilised for a month.Upon my return,my indy refitted it at my house and from what I saw entered the eka code and all was well.He did check with autologic after the car was running.As it turned out there was nothing wrong with the becm,all the problems were down to the r/f receiver and the front door locks but the diagnostics said the problem was the two front indy didnt believe this and was proved right.Yes it was a saga but I carnt give you a definite answer sorry
From personal experience faulty RF can, and often is, the cause of many problems. At around £170 it's also one of the cheaper "fixes" and potentially saves door locks burning out, outstation faults, BeCM faults. I'd strongly recommend everyone to make sure new uprated RF unit is fitted.
If BeCM is sent anywhere for checking/unlocking it should come back plug n play but for same vehicle only.
ridesafe and tomcat59alan many thanks for your quick replies!
i will post up in my own thread how i get on when i eventually get my becm back
thanks again guys
ridesafe,i was told that my becm had to be revirginalised,what ever that means,i dont know if that would make a difference.I asked if they could do anything with the missus without success.
Many thanks for the replies. If I could address a couple :

Yep. That becm has indeed alarmed up.

You need to look at the reasons why it's done. If it's a primary problem then getting the becm sorted out will fix the problem, if the alarmed becm is a secondry problem then you will need to look at another issue that caused it.

Rick, how would I work out if it's primary or secondary? When the laptop with the Testbook software was being used we had a couple of occasions where the software got caught in a loop and just "cycled" through the available programs. It just screamed BeCM problem.

All the above tells me that the Becm is alarmed and in Lockout status.
That means that Dealers Test Book cannot unlock and reset it as the equipment does not have the capability. A Synchmate would also have no effect in clearing the fault/condition.

The Becm needs to be unlocked and reset by someone with the specialised software.
Myself, Rick and others can sort you out.

Must say that mentioning a pub is tempting!!!!

Irishrover, I presuming that to unlock the BeCM I'll have to remove it and send it to you or someone with the software. I'm reasonably competant mechanically (not so electronically) so can I remove it myself? Again, presuming, would I have to remove the driver's seat and then remove the BeCM? Is it fairly simple with care?

Thanks again for all the replies and I still have plenty of free pints available!
If you remove/tilt back the drivers seat, takin the BeCM out is easy.........Irish had mine out in less than 10 mins. Mind you, he was drink free at the time :rolleyes:

For BeCM to go into lock-out there must be an underlying problem; if you have the BeCM re-set and unlocked without first sorting the initial issue it'll just get scrambled again :eek:

As I said earlier, if not already done so, MAKE SURE you have uprated RF unit,otherwise it WILL bite back. If not the RF at fault it might be main fusebox behind battery with dry/burnt joints, but RF is nearly always favourite!
Many thanks for the replies. If I could address a couple :

Rick, how would I work out if it's primary or secondary? When the laptop with the Testbook software was being used we had a couple of occasions where the software got caught in a loop and just "cycled" through the available programs. It just screamed BeCM problem.

Irishrover, I presuming that to unlock the BeCM I'll have to remove it and send it to you or someone with the software. I'm reasonably competant mechanically (not so electronically) so can I remove it myself? Again, presuming, would I have to remove the driver's seat and then remove the BeCM? Is it fairly simple with care?

Yes, the Becm has to be removed. Basically, disconnect the battery negative lead, , remove the seat plastic skirt (3 x push in studs and one self tapping screw behind the fuse cover trap door), remove the 4 x Torx head screws securing the seat runners to the floor pan. Tip the seat back, remove the two pozidrive scews securing the heater duct, remove the 3 x M6 nuts (2 at the front, 1 at the rear) securing the Becm to the floor pan. Remove the 4 cables secured by nuts beside the fuse bank, finally release all the coloured connectors by depressing the "Nib" and pulling them out...the nib is on the underside on some of the lower row.

You could send the Becm to someone or, depending on your location, they may come to you and do it "On site".
Obviously I can't read Ricks thoughts but what I think he is trying to say is : Was the lockout caused by the Becm itself developing a problem or was the problem caused as a result of system malfunction ?
When a Becm goes into Lockout mode, it is not possible to access the data with Test Book or other diagnostics and has to be unlocked electronically first with specialised software.
Finally, the Becm should be checked for functionality before refitting.

Thanks again for all the replies and I still have plenty of free pints available!
hi 7LL,yes becm no problem to remove.disconnect battery,remove trim from bottom of seat,remove 4 torque bolts holding seat frame,seat will sit on back seat,no need to remove saftey belt.remove 2 phillip screws holding heating duct,then 3 nuts securing becm.disconnect electrics.I think thats all from memory.God ive worked up a thirst and you havent posted your location,you crafty sod!
If you remove/tilt back the drivers seat, takin the BeCM out is easy.........Irish had mine out in less than 10 mins. Mind you, he was drink free at the time :rolleyes:

For BeCM to go into lock-out there must be an underlying problem; if you have the BeCM re-set and unlocked without first sorting the initial issue it'll just get scrambled again :eek:

As I said earlier, if not already done so, MAKE SURE you have uprated RF unit,otherwise it WILL bite back. If not the RF at fault it might be main fusebox behind battery with dry/burnt joints, but RF is nearly always favourite!

Ok, how do I tell if I have an uprated RF unit?

Yes, the Becm has to be removed. Basically, disconnect the battery negative lead, , remove the seat plastic skirt (3 x push in studs and one self tapping screw behind the fuse cover trap door), remove the 4 x Torx head screws securing the seat runners to the floor pan. Tip the seat back, remove the two pozidrive scews securing the heater duct, remove the 3 x M6 nuts (2 at the front, 1 at the rear) securing the Becm to the floor pan. Remove the 4 cables secured by nuts beside the fuse bank, finally release all the coloured connectors by depressing the "Nib" and pulling them out...the nib is on the underside on some of the lower row.

You could send the Becm to someone or, depending on your location, they may come to you and do it "On site".
Obviously I can't read Ricks thoughts but what I think he is trying to say is : Was the lockout caused by the Becm itself developing a problem or was the problem caused as a result of system malfunction ?
When a Becm goes into Lockout mode, it is not possible to access the data with Test Book or other diagnostics and has to be unlocked electronically first with specialised software.
Finally, the Becm should be checked for functionality before refitting

Ok, I'm based in Cheshire (not a footballer!!) but we have DHL and people like that here so I could send it to you. Who checks for functionality before re-fitting? He who has the specialised software or me?

hi 7LL,yes becm no problem to remove.disconnect battery,remove trim from bottom of seat,remove 4 torque bolts holding seat frame,seat will sit on back seat,no need to remove saftey belt.remove 2 phillip screws holding heating duct,then 3 nuts securing becm.disconnect electrics.I think thats all from memory.God ive worked up a thirst and you havent posted your location,you crafty sod!

I'm sorry I should have said. I run a pub called The Gr
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re .r/f receiver,best way is to buy new ,not off fleabay,you could be buying an old unit.Island 4x4 selling for £170 i believe,so use that as a guide price.Did you have any problems with the car before the becm trouble? eg door lock failure.might point to your underlying the Gr.......,Wirral----Cheshire carnt be far away

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