it connects to ya chassis from ya steering arm they are allright when ya hit a pothole teks sum of the jolt out ta the steering wheel then they seize up on ya anya cant turn the wheel after a few years
Chances are you int got a fitting on yer chassis to fit wun. Most Series int & the swivs are self damping ('parently). They were mostly fitted to ableeances and the like.
Chances are you int got a fitting on yer chassis to fit wun. Most Series int & the swivs are self damping ('parently). They were mostly fitted to ableeances and the like.
i think it wassa bolt on bracket for the series 2 were,nt it and part of the chassis on the series 3.
took mine off cus it seized up bastid
i think it wassa bolt on bracket for the series 2 were,nt it and part of the chassis on the series 3.
took mine off cus it seized up bastid

If yer say so, never had a II. ;)

Dunt need wun anyways, my III'll do better part of a ton & over bad motroway surfaces, potholed B-roads & offroad I've never had a problem.
if you get a chance to stick your nose under a disco or 110 or after, you will see how they are mounted.
Not all series were fitted with them, different countries different requirements

if you are doing any real of road work, yes fit one, if you are just playing in the mud, don’t bother.

Hi all

I was having a look through the paddock website and found a item for a steering damper - what is this ? where does it go ? what does it do ?

DC6005 Britpart Cellular Dynamic Steering Damper - Series

i have never seen anything like this on my series 2 :confused:

Many thanks chris
One thing, ours has a damper, and its really thin. We've got the britpart cellulars on our disco (all round) and there fat as anything. So wouldnt reccomend for the series just in case (giving paddocks bad returns service) although they are good shock absorbers.

We intend to get a procomp steering damper cos i belive there quite thin, similar cost too.

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