
Well-Known Member
Don't they say, in the right or wrong circumstances, most human beings can kill? So. Can most human beings quite easily rip someone else off, and what might lead them to do so? And why don't they care about the others they implicate as aiding and abetting? Do they need to be skint, want shut of a problem so desperately they lose sight of fellow man; because they don't care about others, or because they relish in shafting those with an ocean behind their ears? Are they bog standard sociopaths even?

It interests me cos I bought a tratter 4 weeks ago. The pictures I saw before travelling hundreds of miles turned out to be 5 years old. The 5k paint job I was told it had 4 years ago, transpires to have occurred 15 years ago. The tratter had 'passed; it's MOT the day before I collected it, but the hub seals, brakes, discs and drums were dangerous (I know, it's a grey area with MOTs now), pads **** wet with fluid; an empty and leaked power steering box, leaking sump, shagged shockers, half the dashboard lights not working (power, oil), locks shagged, wipers so f%$£ed I couldn;t see out the windows, AND sent away from the seller's home without normal oil in and not even a 27mm spanner to change a wheel if it'd popped on the way home. All that after he reneged on the cheaper deal and took full whack off me. A condition of the sale was getting the restoration photos. However, once i approached the seller with the problems, he instructed the garage not to send the pictures on the memory stick I sent to the garage. Now I know that some of you are thinking 'well if you're stupid enough, you deserve it', which leads to me asking: 'why take advantage of someone who doesn't know their arse from their elbow?'. Do you stick up for the target, or stand alongside the bully?

I'll get it all sorted. The car will want for nothing. But I think people who rip other people off are F453ing assholes. If you, in a premeditated way, rip people off, then don't talk to me on this forum, because I just think you're a f*&^ing asshole. I'd be absolutely mortified if someone even thought I'd ripped em off, and if you wouldn't feel the same, F&^k off (now I'm off to buy a frigging power steering box). B$%£$dsssss F%$£$% B$% F%$ c%^$ and t$%t

ps. No I'd never report the garage who MOT'd the car, a) because he could have been bull-sh&%ed to by the seller, plus I don't know the garage owner. He might have a family and kids and I wouldn't drop anyone in the sh%t
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There's no point. I'd just tell the seller what's wrong, then knock the stuff that needs doing off the value of the car for the buyer
I've never understood why it appears to be socially acceptable for everyone to lie through their teeth when selling a vehicle

It's not socially acceptable...but if you don't know your limitations on knowing what is being presented to you that you have made the initial contact to buy..then yes there are twunts out there that will take advantage... they've no consience...but there's no point bleating about it on a your research or pay you do when you buy a house if your not a builder/surveyed...buyer beware/sold as seen!!!...
Don't they say, in the right or wrong circumstances, most human beings can kill? So. Can most human beings quite easily rip someone else off, and what might lead them to do so? And why don't they care about the others they implicate as aiding and abetting? Do they need to be skint, want shut of a problem so desperately they lose sight of fellow man; because they don't care about others, or because they relish in shafting those with an ocean behind their ears? Are they bog standard sociopaths even?

It interests me cos I bought a tratter 4 weeks ago. The pictures I saw before travelling hundreds of miles turned out to be 5 years old. The 5k paint job I was told it had 4 years ago, transpires to have occurred 15 years ago. The tratter had 'passed; it's MOT the day before I collected it, but the hub seals, brakes, discs and drums were dangerous (I know, it's a grey area with MOTs now), pads **** wet with fluid; an empty and leaked power steering box, leaking sump, shagged shockers, half the dashboard lights not working (power, oil), locks shagged, wipers so f%$£ed I couldn;t see out the windows, AND sent away from the seller's home without normal oil in and not even a 27mm spanner to change a wheel if it'd popped on the way home. All that after he reneged on the cheaper deal and took full whack off me. A condition of the sale was getting the restoration photos. However, once i approached the seller with the problems, he instructed the garage not to send the pictures on the memory stick I sent to the garage. Now I know that some of you are thinking 'well if you're stupid enough, you deserve it', which leads to me asking: 'why take advantage of someone who doesn't know their arse from their elbow?'. Do you stick up for the target, or stand alongside the bully?

I'll get it all sorted. The car will want for nothing. But I think people who rip other people off are F453ing assholes. If you, in a premeditated way, rip people off, then don't talk to me on this forum, because I just think you're a f*&^ing asshole. I'd be absolutely mortified if someone even thought I'd ripped em off, and if you wouldn't feel the same, F&^k off (now I'm off to buy a frigging power steering box). B$%£$dsssss F%$£$% B$% F%$ c%^$ and t$%t

ps. No I'd never report the garage who MOT'd the car, a) because he could have been bull-sh&%ed to by the seller, plus I don't know the garage owner. He might have a family and kids and I wouldn't drop anyone in the sh%t

Specsavers do some good deals...
It's not socially acceptable...but if you don't know your limitations on knowing what is being presented to you that you have made the initial contact to buy..then yes there are twunts out there that will take advantage... they've no consience...but there's no point bleating about it on a your research or pay you do when you buy a house if your not a builder/surveyed...buyer beware/sold as seen!!!...

This entire bloody site is one BIG bleat! I'm sick of getting pulled up for perceived moaning. I've got a lot to moan about at the moment. I could've walked away, just like anyone can, but clever sellers are good at putting the time frame screws on you, and there's the matter of trust. You have a village where everyone knows everyone in a bleak remote Scottish location. What should I do? Ask the garage that did it up for him to do an appraisal for 200 quid for me? It was a bothy miles into nowhere, stuck between two cliffs! The RAC wouldn't have gone in a helicopter for me pre-sale. Oh I'm bleating alright! I fu%$ing Bleat, bleat, f&^%in Bleating. Bleat bleat BLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTING!!!! Ah. I feel better now.
Specsavers do some good deals...
So you think. You need to do your research and send someone who knows about specs to check em out, cos actually, specsavers is a rip off. The average cost of a frame they sell for 80 quid cost less than 2 quid to make. The quality of their specs is %$&t, they con people into buying bifocals becaus eit's cheaper, and because (i ASSUME) they want the entire population to walk around nodding their heads up and down
It is a shame that this happens, I agree. I think I was very lucky with my 90 bought unseen in an auction!!
I felt that I was prepared to replace everything anyway and I bought it for a toy.
The seller gave me the opportunity to walk away but I had already fallen for the beast lol
I hope you get it sorted Mackers as you come across as a nice chap :)
This entire bloody site is one BIG bleat! I'm sick of getting pulled up for perceived moaning. I've got a lot to moan about at the moment. I could've walked away, just like anyone can, but clever sellers are good at putting the time frame screws on you, and there's the matter of trust. You have a village where everyone knows everyone in a bleak remote Scottish location. What should I do? Ask the garage that did it up for him to do an appraisal for 200 quid for me? It was a bothy miles into nowhere, stuck between two cliffs! The RAC wouldn't have gone in a helicopter for me pre-sale. Oh I'm bleating alright! I fu%$ing Bleat, bleat, f&^%in Bleating. Bleat bleat BLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTING!!!! Ah. I feel better now.

Until your next bleat...would you ha
So you think. You need to do your research and send someone who knows about specs to check em out, cos actually, specsavers is a rip off. The average cost of a frame they sell for 80 quid cost less than 2 quid to make. The quality of their specs is %$&t, they con people into buying bifocals becaus eit's cheaper, and because (i ASSUME) they want the entire population to walk around nodding their heads up and down

Maybe so but if you had their bifocals...nodding up and down you might have noticed the faults it had above and I assume you had your rose tinted specs on...
we all wear em

I don't...I'm a cynical old fxxxxr...time and time again I point out to tourists here in the Algarve where I have my business that golden bream and the sea bass that they buy in the market thinking its fresh from the Atlantic it's not it's farmed in Greece and Turkey...they just don't believe me till I point out the origin label...buyer beware...always am...
On the plus point all (most) things are sorted relatively cheaply. I maybe paid slightly over the old's for mine but it was from a well respected dealer locally (ish).

Turn your pm's on!
You know I only realised my front near side wing is a different colour blue when my wife pointed it out to me two weeks after I bought it :eek:

If you HAD realised it was a different colour you would have wandered into the kitchen and informed your wife while'st making a cup of tea...darling guess what?? can full in the
Some people don't intentionally go out to rip people off, they just have different standards of what's right
I like to think I'm a perfectionist and I strive to do the best by others. I've worked with people who also try to do their best by people but could never do a good job in a million years however hard they try. Unfortunately you came across a fraudster who was good at it and you, believing that no one would do such a thing, got sucked in. I would report the mot station , for what good it would do, because I wouldn't care about his family , only the poor parent driving their family around in a dangerous vehicle that's just passed its test.
Some people don't intentionally go out to rip people off, they just have different standards of what's right
I like to think I'm a perfectionist and I strive to do the best by others. I've worked with people who also try to do their best by people but could never do a good job in a million years however hard they try. Unfortunately you came across a fraudster who was good at it and you, believing that no one would do such a thing, got sucked in. I would report the mot station , for what good it would do, because I wouldn't care about his family , only the poor parent driving their family around in a dangerous vehicle that's just passed its test.

I know what you mean. I did have a moment where I thought I would, but there's no point now. By the time I'd got back to Preston, the asshole had put through a sale cancellation on Ebay, telling them that he was no longer selling, and that I hadn't been to collect so I hadn't paid. Not only did he diddle me, but he didn't want to pay his maximum 250.00 fee to Ebay. The worse thing is, him doing this (which he was savvy enough to know), took away my ebay tabs to request a partial refund or a return after I had the car appraised. It does bug me that he was just a greedy bastard who got me over a barrel, but I know that people like this are everywhere. I think they're wired differently.
Good point @mick the builder...seller might have been in cahoots with mot station or been shafted by local'll never know... if you don't have a basic knowledge of vehicles buying used from owner or self trader get advise...
dont let it eat you up. Ive had it happen to me but ive always settled the
score in other ways,;). Still report it so its just on file and inform ebay aswell then let it go.

I know what you mean. I did have a moment where I thought I would, but there's no point now. By the time I'd got back to Preston, the asshole had put through a sale cancellation on Ebay, telling them that he was no longer selling, and that I hadn't been to collect so I hadn't paid. Not only did he diddle me, but he didn't want to pay his maximum 250.00 fee to Ebay. The worse thing is, him doing this (which he was savvy enough to know), took away my ebay tabs to request a partial refund or a return after I had the car appraised. It does bug me that he was just a greedy bastard who got me over a barrel, but I know that people like this are everywhere. I think they're wired differently.

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