
Well-Known Member
Im sure half you all know im a fussy bastid when it comes to my 110. Still trying to settle on a new front bumper. I love the Equipe 4x4 bumper with the A-Bar but the thought of spending just shy of £1100 makes me a little queazy!

Does look brilliant though :rolleyes:


Found this one by D44 which I very much like as well, what do you think on my 110? Any ideas where that bar came from or you think a custom jobby?


Basic bumper


If anyone has any other suggestions hit me up, but must meet the following

- Be mainly square
- Sit directly below the headlight surrounds
- Fit lowline winches
- Be able to take a few knocks
- Ideally have an "A-Bar" of some description
- Fit A/C Defender

Cheers! :D
Why not get a custom made one?

First one looks naff, plus it looks tight against the grille, So I would question if it would fit AC. Side view photo would be good to look at.
Second one I like but only with the A bar and lights, in the raptor finish.

Why not get a custom made one?

First one looks naff, plus it looks tight against the grille, So I would question if it would fit AC. Side view photo would be good to look at.
Second one I like but only with the A bar and lights, in the raptor finish.


All the above fit A/C.

Considered having come custom made but it is quite the task especially getting it right and I know It would cost me a fortune and take me forever to design :oops::rolleyes:

Same on the second one. Looks too "basic" without the small additions. Someone did suggest I may be able to modify my LR Abar to suit the D44 bumper but not sure how that would look or if it would work at all .
+1 for custom made one.

Custom means it is exactly what you want and you could even get it done cheaply/cost controlled by making the bumper in stiff white card templates and then getting those templates laser/plasma/water cut and then only need to get them welded up, nice thing there is that you can control your costs and even if you get them cut, so long as you store them warm and dry with an oily rag over them they will still be there when you've got the cash to get them welded up.
Been asking myself the same question, I like the Td5 bumper endcaps though so want something that takes them. The Equipe 4x4 looks a bit too mad max for your Dcpu?
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As much as I'd like custom made I havnt the time, patience, skill to actually do it as much as I'd love to. So I am leaning more toward the D44 bumper just trying to find or sort out the bar. I found this by TF which looks very similar and would bolt in, what do you think? About the right profile? attachment 146760
View attachment 146761

I can see that working nice with the D44 bumper.
Very close to buying the bumper! Quite excited been looking for a bumper for at least as long as i've been building my 110! Just emailed to confirm if the TF A-Bar will fit or pics of how the bumper mounts so I can see if it can be modified to fit. All else fails then hopefully my mates can fab something up to suit.

Found the spots from WOW.Factor on ebay.

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