21 Amps! - ooooo that'l make your house wiring glow a bit ;).

up untill i put the 32 amp socket in the workshop i used mine on a extension lead half wound up, it dint get hot one bit,

gorra link si ? wer it same seller as mine ? or yer gorrit from a posh weldin shop :D
christ the this went off topic!

i just want to add, all of this IS illegal.
but i guess it is no differnt to replacing a body on the new chassis with v5, and then the chassis with the nice painted one at a later date. but just doing it all in one go!!

well i do have to remove all the body parts to go to the paint shop in the next couple of weeks... what if i did the transfer while i just had the chassis in my posession then put the new body parts on when it gets back...?

and i cant see anywhere on the net that says it is illegal... i mean it is if you are putting good ID on a stolen car but nothing is stolen is it, but i do know the DVLA are not in the habbit of giving out "Q" plates anymore... even kitcars that use less than 10% of the donor car can take its reg and vin...?
If you believe everything you are doing is all 'a-o.k.' why don't you just ring up the DVLA and ask. you can always be Mr. Bloggs. I believe he rings them quite often to check 'boarder line subjects'. At least you know then if you are doing things legally or not.

I read a topic on here yesterday from 6 months ago about the guy whose 110 ended up in the river, killing 4 of his kids resulting in prison sentance etc. and by the sounds of it his landie was well maintained and all legal. Last thing you want is a border line landie being involved in a road related incident - the courts would eat you alive - and to summarise from the post i was reading - we should all be aiming to exceed the rules and regulations for safety / compliancy - not claiming grandfather rights for dodgy fixes.

Yeh... i have since seen the news articles relating to it...so maybe not...

the point about compliance to rules etc. still stands though :)

I have to wonder where some people get MOT's though, i know that is just once every 12 months, but, when i got my landie with 10 months MOT on it i swear it wasn't anywhere near road legal.

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