Started it, only just!! It's only been a week or so, i wonder what's randomly decided to drain the battery this time!?
Been for a drive and now it's on charge to get it topped up will do some investigation tomorrow
Kermie, i bet its the famous RF drain buddy off your wifi or neighbours wifi signal. All i can offer you sound advice wise is buy a C-tek battery conditioner and have it connected all the time when your not using the car. You will never have a flat battery again buddy. I have been using them on all my cars for over 10 years now and they are brilliant bits of kit and a 100% sure fire way to STOP a battery going flat ever again. I swear by them Kermie and i have never had a duff battery or non starting car since i started using them mate.
Kermie, i bet its the famous RF drain buddy off your wifi or neighbours wifi signal. All i can offer you sound advice wise is buy a C-tek battery conditioner and have it connected all the time when your not using the car. You will never have a flat battery again buddy. I have been using them on all my cars for over 10 years now and they are brilliant bits of kit and a 100% sure fire way to STOP a battery going flat ever again. I swear by them Kermie and i have never had a duff battery or non starting car since i started using them mate.
If the RF receiver is causing battery drain, it's easy to fix with 3 possible methods available.
C-Tek are over priced, you can get a smart charger from Lidl or Aldi for about £15. Even better if you car is parked off road in a safe place is a solar panel and charge controller for about £25, all my cars are connected to individual solar chargers.
If the RF receiver is causing battery drain, it's easy to fix with 3 possible methods available.
C-Tek are over priced, you can get a smart charger from Lidl or Aldi for about £15. Even better if you car is parked off road in a safe place is a solar panel and charge controller for about £25, all my cars are connected to individual solar chargers.
Each to their own at end of the day i say.
Hopefully it is sold to @harryc , don't leave us hanging mate.

It's mine!! I went down on the day before Christmas eve. Given the last 2 no shows for delivery i didn't fancy my chances of the car arriving so i drove down to collect it.


It's a hell of a lot of car for the money! There are however some issues that need immediate attention:

- Airbag light is on and dash is showing an error message for it.
- Tracking is way off (Ford has agreed to pay for this) but blamed it on recent work to the steering box (unsure what for at this stage)
- No heating and heated seats don't work.

I'm sceptical about the validity of MOT as one of the dipped headlights has gone and the airbag light showing would both cause failures... Ford wasn't able to give me the name of the tester when i asked but will pursue with him if more faults are discovered.

My plan is to have a full inspection and test drive conducted by my local (and trusted) garage to get the car safe and functional and then a full service.

I have a lot of experience with older VWS (MK2 GTIS, Corrados etc) but this will be my first Land rover/Range rover project. Very much looking forward to it and hopefully, following the inspection, i will have the makings of a fun project! Thanks for the help and advise so far.

@Rubberknees, @Enthusiastman @kermit_rr
It's mine!! I went down on the day before Christmas eve. Given the last 2 no shows for delivery i didn't fancy my chances of the car arriving so i drove down to collect it.


It's a hell of a lot of car for the money! There are however some issues that need immediate attention:

- Airbag light is on and dash is showing an error message for it.
- Tracking is way off (Ford has agreed to pay for this) but blamed it on recent work to the steering box (unsure what for at this stage)
- No heating and heated seats don't work.

I'm sceptical about the validity of MOT as one of the dipped headlights has gone and the airbag light showing would both cause failures... Ford wasn't able to give me the name of the tester when i asked but will pursue with him if more faults are discovered.

My plan is to have a full inspection and test drive conducted by my local (and trusted) garage to get the car safe and functional and then a full service.

I have a lot of experience with older VWS (MK2 GTIS, Corrados etc) but this will be my first Land rover/Range rover project. Very much looking forward to it and hopefully, following the inspection, i will have the makings of a fun project! Thanks for the help and advise so far.

@Rubberknees, @Enthusiastman @kermit_rr

And now the fun begins.

the comments of a dodgy MOT sound to have come to the surface as a yes.

Check the test station number online the trading standards or whoever will beable to link that to a person/business.
i would advise dont touch anything if the report comes back bad:) report the guy:D.

At the end of the day you have it and there is plenty of help here when you need:).

It's mine!! I went down on the day before Christmas eve. Given the last 2 no shows for delivery i didn't fancy my chances of the car arriving so i drove down to collect it.


It's a hell of a lot of car for the money! There are however some issues that need immediate attention:

- Airbag light is on and dash is showing an error message for it.
- Tracking is way off (Ford has agreed to pay for this) but blamed it on recent work to the steering box (unsure what for at this stage)
- No heating and heated seats don't work.

I'm sceptical about the validity of MOT as one of the dipped headlights has gone and the airbag light showing would both cause failures... Ford wasn't able to give me the name of the tester when i asked but will pursue with him if more faults are discovered.

My plan is to have a full inspection and test drive conducted by my local (and trusted) garage to get the car safe and functional and then a full service.

I have a lot of experience with older VWS (MK2 GTIS, Corrados etc) but this will be my first Land rover/Range rover project. Very much looking forward to it and hopefully, following the inspection, i will have the makings of a fun project! Thanks for the help and advise so far.

@Rubberknees, @Enthusiastman @kermit_rr
Hi Harryc, i have PM'd you buddy. Can chat offline.
It's mine!! I went down on the day before Christmas eve. Given the last 2 no shows for delivery i didn't fancy my chances of the car arriving so i drove down to collect it.


It's a hell of a lot of car for the money! There are however some issues that need immediate attention:

- Airbag light is on and dash is showing an error message for it.
- Tracking is way off (Ford has agreed to pay for this) but blamed it on recent work to the steering box (unsure what for at this stage)
- No heating and heated seats don't work.

I'm sceptical about the validity of MOT as one of the dipped headlights has gone and the airbag light showing would both cause failures... Ford wasn't able to give me the name of the tester when i asked but will pursue with him if more faults are discovered.

My plan is to have a full inspection and test drive conducted by my local (and trusted) garage to get the car safe and functional and then a full service.

I have a lot of experience with older VWS (MK2 GTIS, Corrados etc) but this will be my first Land rover/Range rover project. Very much looking forward to it and hopefully, following the inspection, i will have the makings of a fun project! Thanks for the help and advise so far.

@Rubberknees, @Enthusiastman @kermit_rr
Has it got a new windscreen or was that another excuse that Ford was using so he didn't loose money. As @marjon posted, don't have any work carried out, photograph all faults and milage.get an estimate for repairs and contact Ford for the amount and for a hire car whilst the repairs are carried out I'm sure the garage that carried out the MOT will put pressure on him,they wouldn't want to loose their license. Screw him like he's screwed others, you've got him by the short and curlies
Has it got a new windscreen or was that another excuse that Ford was using so he didn't loose money. As @marjon posted, don't have any work carried out, photograph all faults and milage.get an estimate for repairs and contact Ford for the amount and for a hire car whilst the repairs are carried out I'm sure the garage that carried out the MOT will put pressure on him,they wouldn't want to loose their license. Screw him like he's screwed others, you've got him by the short and curlies
The M.O.T cert number will tell you the exact testing station it was done at Alan once you enter the details on dvla online. It will be BENT for sure. The olde saying " its not worth the paper its printed on " albeit i am pleased for harryc and in time i hope he will be able to make it a really smart example as i had planned to do with all the new bits i bought in advance for it.
The M.O.T cert number will tell you the exact testing station it was done at Alan once you enter the details on dvla online. It will be BENT for sure. The olde saying " its not worth the paper its printed on " albeit i am pleased for harryc and in time i hope he will be able to make it a really smart example as i had planned to do with all the new bits i bought in advance for it.
You need the last 11 digits from the vin number to check who carried out the test using MOT check.
You need the last 11 digits from the vin number to check who carried out the test using MOT check.
Chances are Alan the dealer also scanned the ECU with a scan tool and turned off the airbag light just prior to driving it in to the testing station so no lights were on the dash during test. A common practice mate and you can buy a scan tool which will do this off ebay for a about £30
It does have a new screen on it which is a plus.

I forgot to mention, Ford also called me up to try and explain the reasons behind the sales not going through previously...something about the car needing body work and a list of other excuses. He said there was also legal action/litigation against someone (possibly on here). I made it very clear i was unhappy with the sale process, the lying and the car not being delivered as promised to me (twice). I've registered the issues with the car with him in writing so he will have to rectify these and provide an explanation around the mysterious MOT pass.

He monitors this site too.
It does have a new screen on it which is a plus.

I forgot to mention, Ford also called me up to try and explain the reasons behind the sales not going through previously...something about the car needing body work and a list of other excuses. He said there was also legal action/litigation against someone (possibly on here). I made it very clear i was unhappy with the sale process, the lying and the car not being delivered as promised to me (twice). I've registered the issues with the car with him in writing so he will have to rectify these and provide an explanation around the mysterious MOT pass.

He monitors this site too.
I'll bet there's a longer list of people taking/considering litigation against him.:D:D. Wonder if he's man enough to post his side of the stories instead of just monitoring this site ??I very much doubt it.:rolleyes:
It does have a new screen on it which is a plus.

I forgot to mention, Ford also called me up to try and explain the reasons behind the sales not going through previously...something about the car needing body work and a list of other excuses. He said there was also legal action/litigation against someone (possibly on here). I made it very clear i was unhappy with the sale process, the lying and the car not being delivered as promised to me (twice). I've registered the issues with the car with him in writing so he will have to rectify these and provide an explanation around the mysterious MOT pass.

He monitors this site too.
Have a word with @Enthusiastman ,I'm sure he used the same excuses with him.
Fifteen years go tonight I put a best offer in on my Range Rover (I hadn't touched a drop!) and woke up to find out the offer was accepted!
Turned out to be a good one. Broke down twice in this time due to a faulty drivers door latch-once under the carport and once in Newport. Had a bit of a mini-restoration by the ever helpful and superb Iain McKee and Justin McKee.
Couple of very minor issues have popped up-needs a new eas relay (only works when tapped)-will get one tomorrow, change the temp sensor and two new front tyres (should have listened to Iain). Hope for another fifteen years!
Chances are Alan the dealer also scanned the ECU with a scan tool and turned off the airbag light just prior to driving it in to the testing station so no lights were on the dash during test. A common practice mate and you can buy a scan tool which will do this off ebay for a about £30
You can't turn the SRS light off of the fault is present. You can say it was fixed on the job.. 'must have returned soon after'

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