Fitted leds inside mine a few months ago. Working a lot better than before. Also included the side lights. Yes they are the can bus type and no errors on the dash. Waiting for the rears to get here.

And yes, I'm back in the UK! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only needed a bit of a boost to the battery and it was all good :):):):):)
Is it worth it though ?

I hear there quite slow :D

Not sure yet but hear they can break the auto box , if so then i would rather it be a bit slow than pay out for a new/ recon box .

My last two p38s with 2.5 BMW engines i found ok with out a power box so i will see how it goes.
Proved to my work I can deliver kitchens in it. Despite the fact it's ruined. Vibrates like he'll and over heats. Still gave my boss fuel receipt and he said something I don't wish to repeat. I did explain previously that it would be cheap I just said I would get it all in lol
Replaced the tailgate gas struts (no hitting my head anymore!).

Fitted the new interior LEDs that arrived so far. Waiting for four others - the courtsey spot lights. The ones I've fitted are certainly brighter, but will realiy know to what extent when it gets dark.
serviced it, repaired the rear seat catch and broke the drivers seat arm rest. ah well something else to sort out now:mil83:
Been to Harwoods , after 3 years of ownership thought is was about time I got my EKA code.No I'm not going to try it!I will leave use it as when nessary .

Also picked up our pig that's been made in to sausages and smoked bacon , must be time for a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich :)
busy day on the p38 for me 2 new front airbags and a new set of dampers fitted been a expensive month 4 bags 4 shox. front discs and pads and a EAS pump rebuild
Show off :Cry::D

Funny enough that's not the reason why I went for a fresher one, was looking (and budgeting) for an earlyish td6. However, any I could find we're, lets just say they weren't well loved. And frankly too expensive for something that's going to need 2-3k spent on a gearbox refurb. Hence TDV8.

I must admit I got a little carried away after that point in the logical reasoning I was having with myself, whoops.

Note to self - always work on Saturdays, it stops me doing silly things like visiting the LR dealer.

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