I have done panels under a car with arc using thin rods, not easy or pretty but doable.
When I wielded the welding rod for a living.one firm I worked for paid a bonus for the ammount of fuel storage tanks you could complete, they couldn't work out how fast I could knock them out.it was light gauge metal10 swg if my memory serves.I used the biggest welding rod we had and around 300amps . As long as you welded vertical down and were bloody fast and didn't hang around at the start and finish you got a perfect weld bead that passed all inspections Couldn't do it now,without lots of practice. Used to do a lot of pipework vertical down (stoveing) use it or loose it :eek::D
Finished putting the tank/ wheelarch liner back on "the Bastid" turned on the ignition and pressed the Schrader valve and bingo petrol under pressure. Started first time in 4 years. Bit of a flat spot when opening the throttle but revved freely when passed it. Doesn't like to restart when warm and the engine check light is on.More searching and work but a result of sorts.:D
It's so the arc burns in an inert atmosphere so no oxidation ,no need to grind the ****ty weld.
Does this mean there is contamination/rust inside my weld that could have negative effect?
How is everyone? back to work yet? I'm still waiting to go back to work, airlines are not doing good, empty warehouses
Still nothing for me, I will have to find a new job when this lockdown ends :(
If things do not pick up soon I will be struggling to keep the P38 but I will not let it go without a proper fight
Are you feeling better? Last I remember they were nearly working you to death, literally
Does this mean there is contamination/rust inside my weld that could have negative effect?
Yes,the shielding gas is there for a purpose hope it wasn't anything structural. Good luck on the job front.;):)
Still nothing for me, I will have to find a new job when this lockdown ends :(
If things do not pick up soon I will be struggling to keep the P38 but I will not let it go without a proper fight
Are you feeling better? Last I remember they were nearly working you to death, literally
Does this mean there is contamination/rust inside my weld that could have negative effect?

Still nothing for me, I will have to find a new job when this lockdown ends :(
If things do not pick up soon I will be struggling to keep the P38 but I will not let it go without a proper fight
Are you feeling better? Last I remember they were nearly working you to death, literally
I'm fine, its been OK I cant do a lot to be honest, and I wouldn't mind betting as soon as we go back to work, some **** will happen to me, I'm using a lot of Nitrolingual and that's not a good sign, I hope you fine a job for yourself soon then, and you get a bit of luck your way
Just to say after faffing about finding and modifying washers to pack out the bushes (top rear dampers) to get them as tight as I could, it seems to have made quite a bit of difference to the ride of "Buttercup"
No more clunking going over speed bumps, although not particularly loud before, just a whole lot better. So happy bunny:):) be even happier when my self inflicted injury heals.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Well yesterday was a long day.
Back end swapped actually no harder then the subframe and back end on a 3 series
old shocks and bags didn't actually look old so they got reused.
All brake pipe to hoses came undone surprisingly.
Shafts was a wee bit of a sod in the hub.
It was a bit heavy on my own
But on the plus side she passed with no advisories.
To kill time and be different... I removed my roof rack... and added two pieces of 1.5 x 3/8 inch angle iron.. and attached them to my three Thule gutter mounts... I did this for the reinstall of my rooftop tent..
My roof basket has it too high to put into the garage... so I wanted the racks to be solidly together... I worried about uplift...


Im gonna put the tent back on it n a day or so and take it for a spin

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