Not good for keeping it charged up but at the moment what else can one do.
Not ideal wifes cars out of mot and insurance and in storage until this covid situation sorts. The really annoying bit is I'm about 12 houses away from a roundabout straight out the main road to the workshop. I dont need to go near anyone or make contact with anyone but I'm sure I'd get grief for it..
Trying to explain to a nearly 3 year old 44.000 times why we can't just go in the erm (childs 4x4 word). Or why we cant go this way.. I cant wait for my bed.
On a positive note I'm 20miles off having done 4k in it :eek:
Not ideal wifes cars out of mot and insurance and in storage until this covid situation sorts. The really annoying bit is I'm about 12 houses away from a roundabout straight out the main road to the workshop. I dont need to go near anyone or make contact with anyone but I'm sure I'd get grief for it..
Trying to explain to a nearly 3 year old 44.000 times why we can't just go in the erm (childs 4x4 word). Or why we cant go this way.. I cant wait for my bed.
On a positive note I'm 20miles off having done 4k in it :eek:

Its going to be hard for the little ones no play groups and what not, we can understand whats going on but the little ones just dont know whats going on.
i dont envy you there mine are 14 and 21 so no worrys there unless the tinternet goes down then all hell will break loose.

stay safe and hang on in there:)
Not ideal wifes cars out of mot and insurance and in storage until this covid situation sorts. The really annoying bit is I'm about 12 houses away from a roundabout straight out the main road to the workshop. I dont need to go near anyone or make contact with anyone but I'm sure I'd get grief for it..
Trying to explain to a nearly 3 year old 44.000 times why we can't just go in the erm (childs 4x4 word). Or why we cant go this way.. I cant wait for my bed.
On a positive note I'm 20miles off having done 4k in it :eek:
Feel for you as I have a 4year old opposite me and have watched him grow up, he has always called me grandad. He cant understand why he cant come over to see us anymore to see his grandad. Yes for all you heathens out there I am weeping
Its killing me but if it saves his life then so be it
Feel for you as I have a 4year old opposite me and have watched him grow up, he has always called me grandad. He cant understand why he cant come over to see us anymore to see his grandad. Yes for all you heathens out there I am weeping
Its killing me but if it saves his life then so be it

When this is all over you'll be able to have him come over again. In the meantime you can phone, skype, whatsapp, do silly dances on your drive.
Stop weeping , and think of all those who won't ever see their
grand-dads again . Or the grand-dads , who never got the chance to see their grand-kids grow up. Whether it be due to Covid19, cancer, parkinson's, dementia, or a thousand other things.
You're alive, work with it!
We are all missing, my son comes around ever day he's over 30 now, the last 2 weeks we haven't seen him, we miss him he rings and texts every day but its not the same, you still miss them no matter how old they are, he stays away to protect us from harm.

You'll see him when it's over.
And then I will bitch about him not doing stuff again lol

Its going to be hard for the little ones no play groups and what not, we can understand whats going on but the little ones just dont know whats going on.
i dont envy you there mine are 14 and 21 so no worrys there unless the tinternet goes down then all hell will break loose.

stay safe and hang on in there:)
Never mind the little ones, us old buggers would go mad if it wasn't for this "playgroup ". There's only so much decorating, gardening one can do as I tell The Enemy. :eek::D:D. Stay safe Everyone.
My daughters boyfriend istalled skype for his grandparents before we all got grounded and spent ages showing them how to use it. I've suggested a remote desktop app so he can log onto their pc and control it for them.
Never mind the little ones, us old buggers would go mad if it wasn't for this "playgroup ". There's only so much decorating, gardening one can do as I tell The Enemy. :eek::D:D. Stay safe Everyone.
Apart from the food shortages no problem for us, we live in isolation all the time. We had a week of cold sunny days last week so the veggie plot is rotovated, wife has plated cabbage, broccoli, spinach and peas so far. The strawberries are coming on in the poly tunnel and we have some tomato seedlings coming on. Lots of grass to cut, barn clearance to finish and workshop to tidy so plenty to do. Just can't get materials for building work.
Yesterday & today it's like mid winter, about minus 5C wind chill.
Apart from the food shortages no problem for us, we live in isolation all the time. We had a week of cold sunny days last week so the veggie plot is rotovated, wife has plated cabbage, broccoli, spinach and peas so far. The strawberries are coming on in the poly tunnel and we have some tomato seedlings coming on. Lots of grass to cut, barn clearance to finish and workshop to tidy so plenty to do. Just can't get materials for building work.
Yesterday & today it's like mid winter, about minus 5C wind chill.
I looked into the garage, saw the chaos, shut the door and picked up the tablet. Un otra dia.
Never mind the little ones, us old buggers would go mad if it wasn't for this "playgroup ". There's only so much decorating, gardening one can do as I tell The Enemy. :eek::D:D. Stay safe Everyone.

Decorating and sorting clearing out has been mentioned but as most of the shops are closed and we dont have enough paint:rolleyes: and a trip to the dump is off, i am managing to swerve a lot:D

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