And the day before it was 23..... and they said it wasn't 25 or over, sent me home, next day 800 full-blown H/A :D
That's just being plain greedy mate!
I'm sure my was a minnow incident compared to yours.
I was just chuffed to hear that there were no HA enzymes present in my blood.
Keep healthy Dopey!
No, doesn't do it rocking from forwards to reverse.
If you over-run then take up drive it doesn't do it.
If you approach lights and don't quite stop it doesn't do it.
Only if you come to a complete stop it happens.
My first thought was something loose on the drivetrain but that would surely show up every time it took up the drive?

Park brake sticking?
Peered at it through biblical levels of rain:eek: Grass needs cutting next time I can see it.


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Just added up all my receipts from her past life and they come to............

£7212,56 :confused: that is since 2007 :D
Hey Jon Dor don't spoil it come and joins us with the dodgy tickers. We have got the t-shirts hats ,the lot between us all:p:p
Just had MRI scan on my back this morning whilst I wait for my Knee replacement(yes that's why Rubber Knees), Ha well it doesn't rain it pours:D
Hey Jon Dor don't spoil it come and joins us with the dodgy tickers. We have got the t-shirts hats ,the lot between us all:p:p
Just had MRI scan on my back this morning whilst I wait for my Knee replacement(yes that's why Rubber Knees), Ha well it doesn't rain it pours:D
Thanks for the invite, but ticker not ready for that game yet.
BUT... so far, C1 disc injury; L4, L5, S1 disc laminectomies; Left shoulder Sub Acromial Decompression & Rotator Cuff Repair; Right Shoulder Sub Acromial Decompression & Rotator Cuff Repair; Left elbow tendon reattached; Right elbow tendon reattached; Right AND Left wrists: Carpal Tunnel decompression (imminent) ; 5-off hernias repaired, four more under observation; Left Sciatic Nerve denervation thrice; Right Sciatic Nerve Denervation twice; Countless Cortisone & Anaesthetic injections to most joints; Prostate cancer (free since Nov 2014 YAY!!!) ; TWO vasectomies (don't ask); currently having kidney function investigations. Getting bored , so let's leave it at that for now...Hahaha =~]
Thanks for the invite, but ticker not ready for that game yet.
BUT... so far, C1 disc injury; L4, L5, S1 disc laminectomies; Left shoulder Sub Acromial Decompression & Rotator Cuff Repair; Right Shoulder Sub Acromial Decompression & Rotator Cuff Repair; Left elbow tendon reattached; Right elbow tendon reattached; Right AND Left wrists: Carpal Tunnel decompression (imminent) ; 5-off hernias repaired, four more under observation; Left Sciatic Nerve denervation thrice; Right Sciatic Nerve Denervation twice; Countless Cortisone & Anaesthetic injections to most joints; Prostate cancer (free since Nov 2014 YAY!!!) ; TWO vasectomies (don't ask); currently having kidney function investigations. Getting bored , so let's leave it at that for now...Hahaha =~]
Feck me did you have a job as a crash test dummy or something?? Good news on the prostate though, mine about the same, removed 5 years ago, just tested twice a year now.

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