Yes, mate. Looking forward to it. Planning on dragging my boy along again too. Be nice to see a few more P38s down there, maybe some of the southern lot: @Saint.V8, @Dopey etc. Should be nice weather again. And this year if a see a complete set of 50 taps and dies for a fiver I'm not getting distracted but dropping the kid and going for the sale!
Mines in pieces at the moment while I muster the will to fit with the heatshield and manifold bolts at some point.
Fixed the rear brake caliper on the side of the road as the caliper bolts decided to make a bid for freedom. The top one managed it, the bottom one was half undone.
Started off as a scraping sound with wheel speed. :eek::eek:

Could be worse, a helicopter crashed not long after I left a fly-in and classic car show at Fenland Airport :(
Is that the Prestwood Steam Rally? its not too far away, I would be up for it, subject to change that is?
Im ok, back to work on Tuesday... nose to the grind wheel again, then back to hospital for another op in about 41/2 months to do the same again, then I should be 100% I would just like at this time to thanks the government that through all the years of me paying out, they never disappointment me by not paying me a single penny...... at least my NI was worth it lol
All I can do its try, im back at work on Tuesday, and ££ is short, if asked to work a weekend I will have to
29 degrees in the shade here yesterday, when I looked. God knows what it was like in the sun.

It has been to hot in the sun for working but we have just had to get on with it, the cider isn't touching the sides, just had a very nice pre 101 forward control come in will try and put a pic up.
Got the range a new mot today was shocked at the c02 test ..... zero .... and unburnt fuel was 5 ....... Well pleased with that
Fitted new battery and replaced spill-off pipes. Starts perfectly again.

Changed ATF and filter. Gearbox now gone from dead to just very, very sick.
Just had a re-map 3.6 TDV8 and what a jolly thing it is to drive now. I just need a decent run instead of heading up and down four miles to the shop.
Just had a re-map 3.6 TDV8 and what a jolly thing it is to drive now. I just need a decent run instead of heading up and down four miles to the shop.
Still enjoying it then Colin? Guess you got that problem sorted by the dealer, Been off line for a while so lost the outcome of your previous post. ;)

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