Had some diy type jobs to do this morning, so it was after lunch that I was going to fit a new fuel filter.
While having me snap I thought I'd just have a little decco at the parts book (as you do) and came to the realisation that the bleedin sedimentor has a bolt through from the top, I could have saved working under a waterfall of diesel by just unbolting the fecking body. :mad::mad::mad:
Why do I always make things difficult for myself 1/.
Took the fuel filter off after struggling to get a strap wrench on it, I'm sure I didn't do it up that tight when I fitted it a month ago.
No way would the new filter go on, it was just starting to catch on the thread and then starting to lock up, bummer bummer bummer, had a rest, had a swift belt of nicotine and tried again. Felt around the mounting and the old rubber seal fell into my hand, bleedin filter went on just as it should. :mad::mad::mad:
Why do I always make things difficult for myself 2/.
Took her for a road test, 4 or 5 miles out and then back to warm up, last 1/2 mile up hill to the house and really gave her the beans. Great, going better than ever before, problem solved, job jobbed. Let her tick over while checking for leaks, all good. :):):)
Tidy everything away, lock up and --- hang on, that sounded wrong. Now the fecking central locking don't want to play. :mad::mad::mad:

We're going to get there in the end. Give up, going fishing tomorrow, sod it.
Today I mostly replaced the heater o rings and a blend motor, only had the rings for three years and the motor for about eight. Don't know what I disconnected taking the dash apart but the cruise control doesn't work now. It's a diesel so no to vacuum pipes.☺
The relay maybe, just to the right of speedo clipped to a rail or even wire to main on/off switch ?
I did think of a by pass, but it's been designed and built to have it so who am I to question the judgement of the great man who also thought of sticking a BECM next to feet where in winter all manner of wet & cold can cause unknown mayhem? :D

Was done for cold countries. It isn't that bad in Scotland.
Mine needs it in Czech when it's around minus 30!
(actually, I don't know if it does need it because I've never tried without but I wouldn't like to chance it)
The relay maybe, just to the right of speedo clipped to a rail or even wire to main on/off switch ?
I'll check soon, cheers. The radio switches on but no szound so I will have to check everything I've taken apart. Good news the o rings don't leak.;)
this was yesterday, thought id better go to work in the RR as it was a bit puddly up here and was off to Bowness on Windermere I got 2 miles before eas fault slow 35mph came up, nanocom reported no faults so checked compressor output, pump delivering no air so rebuild kit on the way.

That's mild to how I felt. Considering how ill the dog is and I needed to get her to the vet. However, give the AA their due, they put it on as a priority when I explained. Mechanic was with me within twenty minutes, rather than the originally stated 70minutes.
I'm going to hire a car , so I can get the Golden Girl to Gibson's and still have a car for the dog. I now remember why I bought the Volvo :mad::mad::mad:
Found another deep scratch down the drivers side, I am sure someone is doing on purpose :(
a wavy line down wing and two doors.
B*st*rds. Trail cam. Get them on film. Post it up and we'll flatten the f*ckers.
Trouble is I am next to a school and all the mums and kids go past with bikes and buggys, would be hard pushed to see when it was done:(
can I just connect it up to 240v on the body:D:D:D
After the fueling issues I'd had with Buttercup, and thinking it was all fixed, I had the problem return Sat morning. Lack of top end revs - well over 2500 anyway - and intermittant wanting to cut out.:(:mad::confused:
This time I found the bolt on the top of the sedimenter and took the body off, as I said to the doris, if the sedimenter body was your coffee mug it was full to within half an inch with crud, it was a wonder she was still running at all. Great found the problem, cleaned out and refitted after taking a couple of piccies. :):)Will post tomorrow.
Then later on took her for a little road test and still fueling problems, no difference.:mad::mad::mad:
Think I shall have to borrow a compressor and open up and blow out the lines, if I can swing the air-con compressor out of the way I might have a go at looking at the lift pump as well, I believe there is a filter in there somewhere.
Starting to pee me off a tad now. Oh and she has become difficult to start now, all part of it I guess.

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