If you dont need to go out why would you. evidently there are plenty of idiots doing 70 in the snow. I personally, prefer a warm lounge and leave the others to it

I did need to go out. I was helping a mate who's mate's van had fallen off the road at work 14 miles away. :)
The he was your mate,I presumed he was not with you

If I was 14 miles away....;)

Never met the bloke. He was a mate of a mate. My mate is a nice lad, so of course I would help him... Besides, it was worth a bottle of finest scotch :cool:
Nope, just at work in a site and it was a cambered slope. Van slithered down due to the wrong tyres...

Obviously needed tyres with studs in. Winter tyres summer tyres on ice have same grip level, think it is something around zero. :D:D
Obviously needed tyres with studs in. Winter tyres summer tyres on ice have same grip level, think it is something around zero. :D:D

No ice involved, just snow, snow and more snow... However, it did drop to minus 2 later on as I was leaving. On the main road it was snowing heavily, then off, then on again. Interesting conditions on the way back. Took it easier, and lookee here, I'm still in one piece. Thing is, I don't see the need to lie about it. There are some I have on other forums who declare to have never driven over the speed limit or some such, when it's blatantly obvious they are lying! I don't actually drive like an arse. If I figure conditions are such that I need to adjust my driving, then I will. Through town for instance, if I see pedestrians, regardless if it's a 30mph zone or not, I slow down so I can react sooner, much to the chagrin of the motorist behind. I don't care, pedestrians are floppy and breaky, unlike us with a cage of steel and restraining belts. If I see horses, I slow down and if possible, will drive past with clutch down and engine whispering (or if auto let it creep) if I can see the horse being a horses arse (it happens).

Like I said previously, I am experienced and know when to call it a day. I don't go hooning everywhere, last night I went past a heap of crawlers and am being lambasted for it. So be it, I will take it on the chin as possibly I deserve a shower of blokes I've never met giving me what for :p:D But I am not going to back pedal and claim I never did it ;)

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