Went to take off the RH front wheel on the project car only to find that once again is was suffering from swollen nuts. What should have been a 10 minute job turned into a half hour job. Need to get a slow puncture repaired. disappointed to find a small amount of water in the spare wheel well again, I thought I had sorted that problem.
Went to take off the RH front wheel on the project car only to find that once again is was suffering from swollen nuts. What should have been a 10 minute job turned into a half hour job. Need to get a slow puncture repaired. disappointed to find a small amount of water in the spare wheel well again, I thought I had sorted that problem.
Maybe see if we can get a bogof deal on bilge pumps. Bloody thing is going now even if that is scrap weight.
Anyone know how you get to the mechanism that folds the door mirror? My driver's door mirror is getting really slow and sounds like it's about to give up so I'd like to clean/lubricate before it goes pop. Shame you can't disable it with a button/menu option
L322. Push the mirror forward and light rub with a small wire brush should do the trick.


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