So remember I did the post battery resets and the passenger window fell out in sympathy of my Defender. I’m a bit jaded, should I still go out and fix it or leave it for tomorrow?
So remember I did the post battery resets and the passenger window fell out in sympathy of my Defender. I’m a bit jaded, should I still go out and fix it or leave it for tomorrow?
If you don't fix it then tonight's weather forecast will magically change and we'll get apocalyptic rain πŸ™„πŸ€”
I know this is a RR forum, but the VW one is W**k I'm having a problem with my VW Golf, the key is stuck in the barrel, (I have it out now) but if I put it in it won't turn like it should, I am 90% sure it's the steering lock, because even with the key out now, the steering won't lock on, so I am thinking this, I want to keep the original barrel If I can because then I don't have to buy new keys and get them coded with the car, and I am thinking the lock has noting to do with the key codes, and it can just be swapped over (although it looks a right pain in the backside to do it with special security break off screws) anyone know if this is right and your thought would be of help, thanks guys

VW golf mk5 2008 1.6
I know this is a RR forum, but the VW one is W**k I'm having a problem with my VW Golf, the key is stuck in the barrel, (I have it out now) but if I put it in it won't turn like it should, I am 90% sure it's the steering lock, because even with the key out now, the steering won't lock on, so I am thinking this, I want to keep the original barrel If I can because then I don't have to buy new keys and get them coded with the car, and I am thinking the lock has noting to do with the key codes, and it can just be swapped over (although it looks a right pain in the backside to do it with special security break off screws) anyone know if this is right and your thought would be of help, thanks guys

VW golf mk5 2008 1.6
I'd try flushing it with contact cleaner first.
If you don't fix it then tonight's weather forecast will magically change and we'll get apocalyptic rain πŸ™„πŸ€”
It’s in the channel and is up securely. If I lower it then it will drop down again. I suppose if I tackle it now and hit a snag it could end up worse. Might just glue it shut
I'd try flushing it with contact cleaner first.
I know I have some, I bought some for the house alarm to clean the carbon contacts on my house alarm, just have to find them, the WD 40 helped get the key out, but the contact cleaner will flush that away If I can find it
I don't know

What about insurance? It's an illegal mod that's not for road use, therefore my insurance isn't valid, though if i told them then i couldn't use it on the road anyways πŸ€”
Theres loads running no egr, dgf deletes, mad mods that aren't declared. I think you'd be extremely unlucky to have an accident and insurance company to even think about looking at dpf
Is it adaptive cc? Whats it doing? or not doing πŸ˜…
No it's just standard.
If you point out at a hill, the speed slowly decreases.
If you set cruise to 60 then cancel and slow down to say 40 a and resume cruise, it 'gradually' increases in speed, rather than brisk or even moderate acceleration
See these screws there's 2 of them holding the column in place, from manufacture the tops break off, so If someone tries to steal your car they can't undo them, this is the only problem I can see getting them off

See these screws there's 2 of them holding the column in place, from manufacture the tops break off, so If someone tries to steal your car they can't undo them, this is the only problem I can see getting them off

View attachment 299548
Dremel the heads off and hope youve got enough left on the bolt to unscrew it with some pliers or similar or cut a slot for a flat head screwdriver..?
I know this is a RR forum, but the VW one is W**k I'm having a problem with my VW Golf, the key is stuck in the barrel, (I have it out now) but if I put it in it won't turn like it should, I am 90% sure it's the steering lock, because even with the key out now, the steering won't lock on, so I am thinking this, I want to keep the original barrel If I can because then I don't have to buy new keys and get them coded with the car, and I am thinking the lock has noting to do with the key codes, and it can just be swapped over (although it looks a right pain in the backside to do it with special security break off screws) anyone know if this is right and your thought would be of help, thanks guys

VW golf mk5 2008 1.6
Evening pal hows it hanging:):)
See these screws there's 2 of them holding the column in place, from manufacture the tops break off, so If someone tries to steal your car they can't undo them, this is the only problem I can see getting them off

View attachment 299548
Not a golf but did quite a few astra when it was all rage to nick them, just tap them round half a turn with hammer and center punch and they would turn out by hand, might be worth a go.

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