What does the P38 have then Keith. Someone once told me to ensure the MOT tester didn't test brakes on rolling road. Then again...that may have been on either of my AUDI A8 's.
Ain't getting older great:cool::confused:
The P38 has a proper centre diff and a viscous coupling as an excuse for a diff lock. Due to the viscous coupling, the brakes can only be tested with all wheels rolling or damage may occur. Here they just put portable rollers under the wheels on the axle not being tested.:)
New fuel pump fitted after this mornings little strop. That philips screw has seen better days :)

Out with the old


In with the new.

Mine too, last minute panic as I found one main beam not working. On any other car, that would be a duff bulb but not on a Range Rover, it was a corroded multiplug:mad:
Typical is it, never a simple job when its last minute, i don't even know properly if mine needs anything nothing clonks or bangs or rattles or pulling over the road and the sills are still silver and not rusty brakes and lights work and no management light on, so its a send it in and see
Is that it up and running again?

Yes ta. Greenflag man smacked the old pump with the favoured LR tool and it worked long enough to drive 1/2 mile to the local Indi.
Luckily they had a pump and an empty ramp to lend me, 40 minutes and back on the road. Now I just need to sort the airbag light that's appeared again which is usually the battery disconnect unit.
Check the plugs under the seats ,,,if you have been moving the seats back n forth sometimes they lose connection :eek:...;)

Not moved the seat but I've had this a few times and diags always comes back with battery disconnect unit, a quick fiddle around the yellow connector generally fixes it.
Started recolouring my interior trim today. Sprayed the drivers side door black with vinyl paint. Looking much better than the boring dull factory grey :D:D

Not looking forward to taking the dashboard apart to do that, though :rolleyes:

can’t upload pictures due to permissions apparently :(
Started recolouring my interior trim today. Sprayed the drivers side door black with vinyl paint. Looking much better than the boring dull factory grey :D:D

Not looking forward to taking the dashboard apart to do that, though :rolleyes:

can’t upload pictures due to permissions apparently :(

Try shrinking the file sizes to less than 1MB using IrvanView or similar.
Started recolouring my interior trim today. Sprayed the drivers side door black with vinyl paint. Looking much better than the boring dull factory grey :D:D

Not looking forward to taking the dashboard apart to do that, though :rolleyes:

can’t upload pictures due to permissions apparently :(
I still can't error message soon as i press upload a file

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