I think you can set the length of time of the delay, busy atm to check the manual.

More painting:rolleyes: could be worse i have got to go out and change a ballvalve in a loft for a customer in this sweltering heat i may resemble a rather wet thing when i am done and be about a stone lighter:(
More painting:rolleyes: could be worse i have got to go out and change a ballvalve in a loft for a customer in this sweltering heat i may resemble a rather wet thing when i am done and be about a stone lighter:(
I like the French system better, no ball cocks apart from toilet cisterns.
Sunday call out so should at least be profitable:cool:
More painting:rolleyes: could be worse i have got to go out and change a ballvalve in a loft for a customer in this sweltering heat i may resemble a rather wet thing when i am done and be about a stone lighter:(
I was busy changing the thermostat cartridge in the shower .:rolleyes: Lovely.
Hope it was not a recessed Aqualisa one they can be a pain with the o ring at the back, which would be ok if you were a trained gynecologist:eek:
It was Brian, sounds like you have had the experience yourself :eek::D Job jobed


  • 2020-08-09 10.35.35.jpg
    2020-08-09 10.35.35.jpg
    122.5 KB · Views: 83
From the manual it looks like you can turn it on or off,pre set time of 25 secs


  • 20200809_105007.jpg
    171 KB · Views: 85
Put the battery on, I have beeps!

But I have the keycode lockout message. Do I need to wait 30 mins or can I enter the code with the nano straight away? @Datatek
Just tried it. My lights stay on if the switch is on. Have to turn the lights off for the headlight delay function to work.
Yes that is correct, turn the lights off while the ignition is on for headlight delay, use it a lot here to get from the parking to the outside light sensor.
Anyone know how to get Gorilla Foam Filler off your hands without using a flap wheel? Asking for a friend.

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