Luigi Vampa

Hi Guys, thinking of changing the colour of my 97 300tdi, currently a kind of blue / green factory colour, fancy something different, suggestions welcome....

BTW, most likely to be brush painted, single colour most likely.
How about mat black like a stealth bomber style...with them fancy blue lights underneath and big feck off speaker boom booming...
Quite liking the camo look, regular camo, desert colours, or the snow/winter one???
anyone done it already, pics please if poss...
something like this looks nice...
stealth bombers, boom-boom and tanks ... you guys are definitely forever playing the same games you did in the schoolyard, don't you ?

my choice would be either pink with orange patches or orange with light green "bubbles" ... OK, let's call it girly camo !
Done the brush method on my 90...will be looking at compressor for the disco i think. Cheers.
Desert camo sounds good, don't see many of them. Green i see everyday at work so kinda boring really. urban camo like the one in the image off google would be nice and stand out the most i think.

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