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Hi all

Well i am building a 110 hard top defender for a overland trip next year to mongolia and i still cant decide on what colour to paint it. I have thought about all the usual colours ie camel trophy, green , grey and i still cant decide on what would look the best.

What are your thoughts on this matter???
Deependers have to be blue or green - it's the law.
E's right ya know!!

Mornin Trewey, wot you doin in on this fine morn - think summer's arrived finally and i'm off ter fookin rainy spain next week:mad:

Went ter charge all me camera batteries fer me hols coz they'd all run out to find the fookin bastid charger's gone up swanny, what fookin timing - noo one's forty fookin squid:eek: tis a conspiracy i tell ya!
ey oop Oddie.
I is in't process of changing the input bearing on me spare Diff, ready to swap it wiv the knackered one in me front axle.
Would rather be orf-roadin though!
ey oop Oddie.
I is in't process of changing the input bearing on me spare Diff, ready to swap it wiv the knackered one in me front axle.
Would rather be orf-roadin though!
Hmmm, i guess you got to the bottom of the "play" in the prop then???

I agree, we must do another Baldhu soon - are you planning on going tomorra if it's sorted? ...alternatively the plymouth lot's site looks fun but might have ter sort out a snorkle before then!
Hmmm, i guess you got to the bottom of the "play" in the prop then???

I agree, we must do another Baldhu soon - are you planning on going tomorra if it's sorted? ...alternatively the plymouth lot's site looks fun but might have ter sort out a snorkle before then!
nah, it won't be done till next week - gonna do me CVs and swivels while I'm in there. Them bits won't arrive till Mon or Tue.
Hi all

Well i am building a 110 hard top defender for a overland trip next year to mongolia and i still cant decide on what colour to paint it. I have thought about all the usual colours ie camel trophy, green , grey and i still cant decide on what would look the best.

What are your thoughts on this matter???

nato green .... you know it makes sense ...:D

mmmmmmmmm not so sure on the nato green as i dont think it will go down to well in some contrys as it would look to much like a army vehicle!!!
They was black last time i looked, they would be very stealthy in hawian shirts

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