gotta be black. any other colour is gonna look a bit gay i reckon. if you paint them cream or yellow how about painting flowers all over the bodywork wearing beads and bright coloured clothing and growing your hair down to your waist ? gloss black is the colour of an axle.
I'll get me air cut and wear a dark blue tee shirt then and paint it black,..peace man...;)
hahahahahahahhaha nice one but i recommend getting your head shaved grade one ! oh and im not racist either, i hate every one the same !
paint it black then paint the diff pan white, and pit a small light to shine on the rear diff when yer driving at night with yer lights off
and if you chrome them park the landy in your living room cos thell rust to death when the road salt gets on them ! chromed axles on a land rover is like a trucker dressing up in womens clothes ! its macho underneath but looks really gay. chrome is for instrument surrounds and switches and cars that never get driven. hahahahaha
I would chrome my axels if i could afford it, would be funny. Wouldent last very long though, seem to drag them across most obsticles.

chrome is for instrument surrounds and switches and cars that never get driven. hahahahaha

Sounds appropriet then, the thing never works. :eek:
:pound: Three pages about the colour of an axle.:hysterically_laughi
Serious stuff is this, what colour's yours then?

Mines going to be shiney black now after 3 pages of good advice. The swivels will look good against the shiney black when its comin at yer over the crest of a bank with the V8 thummin dont yer think
mrs b says glittery pink with black trim.....ffs she'll never get this landrover crap will she ..?

same colour what his 90 will be soon....... [mrs b]:D
Serious stuff is this, what colour's yours then?

Mines going to be shiney black now after 3 pages of good advice. The swivels will look good against the shiney black when its comin at yer over the crest of a bank with the V8 thummin dont yer think

ye probably

The colour land rover painted it in the factory
It's BLACK........job done..:beer2:


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